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Join Us as We Help Them Rebuild Their Lives and Families With Stability


Help our nation’s Women of Valor rebuild! Their husbands Hy”d perished on the front lines.

*They’re all alone now, struggling to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives. We can’t leave them alone* ! 😰

For some, it’s supermarket vouchers because their main breadwinner is gone.

For others, it’s free babysitting or extra-curricular activities to keep the kids occupied while Mommy takes care of the thousand-and-one things that mommies have to do.

Your gift of love shows our war almanos and yesomim that we care, and we won’t leave them alone. 

Now, more than ever, Klal Yisrael must stand together.

*For our fallen heroes. For their courageous wives and children. For one another* 💓

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