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Can You Blame Her?

Liran is a kallah teacher and mikvah attendant from Nacham, a small yishuv in Eretz Yisroel. And every time a local woman gets engaged, she comes across a similar problem. 

In order to get married through the Rabbanut, women need to go to mikvah before their wedding. But in the secular community, most aren’t willing to even consider going more than that one time. Taharas hamishpacha is a hard mitzvah for most. But when the mikvah is far – down scary roads. When the bath is yellowed – and thirty years old. When it takes so much sacrifice – it’s not going to happen. 

Most women in communities with no modern mikvah go once and then never go back again. They go on to build homes and families, having a raising children born without a foundation of taharah. 

But that all changed in Nacham. 

When Merkaz L’Taharas Hamishpacha built a new mikvah in Nacham, Liran saw something incredible. Suddenly, women were willing to go. 

Even the women who said they never would. 

“When she saw the mikvah for the first time, she couldn’t stop saying, ‘Wow, it’s a spa!’ And you know what? She’s been back every month since.” 

Every time the Merkaz has built a mikvah, they’ve seen appointments double – at least. And each is not just a tevillah. It’s the start of generations of purity. 

Generations that you can establish, that you can uphold. 

Today, as we enter the season when we do all we can to increase in kedushah and taharah, partner in a mitzvah with infinite reach. A mitzvah that goes on to impact generation after generation to come. 

Enter Rosh Hashanah as a partner in taharah. 

Because in every community, there are tens, dozens or hundreds of women like the one Liran met. When you help us build a mikvah in Eretz Yisroel, all these women suddenly have somewhere to go. 

They’re suddenly willing to go.

And you bring the merit of that mitzvah into your own home, your own new year, and your own generations to come. 

Become a partner in taharah before Rosh Hashanah. 


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