A Segulah for Abundant Parnassah: A Silver Knife With A Personal Inscription!

The special knife directly from HaGaon HaTzaddik Rabbi Shimon Gala’i  shlit”a* With an engraved personal inscription from the Rav shlit”a, including his signature* To cut through difficulties with parnassah and open the channels of hatzlacha and siyatta diShmaya


Rosh HaShana is approaching; in a little while decrees will be written for all humankind. Yet one can still change them; one can improve before Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur arrive.

Old parnassah difficulties can disappear in a moment; hatzlacha can shine upon a person this new year, b’siyatta diShmaya. What’s needed is just to open the channels of parnassah in Shamayim, and then abundance will flow down freely this coming year.

It’s known that the minhagim of Klal Yisrael are also Torah; for generations we’ve been accustomed to buy a new knife at the beginning of the new year- “hachotech chaim l’kol chai” – referring to parnassah, which gives life to a person.

Lofty and sublime secrets are embedded within this special segulah; all the more so when it dovetails with the pure tzedakah of supporting poor families financially, enabling them to feed their children and dress them in respectable clothing, the most basic and essential minimum.

Click here to support a family and merit to receive the segulah knife directly from Maran HaRav Shimon Gala’i shlit”a>>

The amud hatefillah of our generation, HaGaon HaTzaddik Rabbi Shimon Gala’i shlit”a, instructed us to initiate a special fund at Kupat Ha’ir to support needy families. Each donor who contributes a sum equivalent to what Kupat Ha’ir gives to support an average needy family for a month will merit to receive a silver knife directly from Rav Shimon Gala’i, on which is inscribed a personal dedication along with the Rav’s signature.

In this personal dedication Maran blesses the donors: “To Kupat Ha’ir donors- a brocha for abundant parnassah in the year תשפ”ה and much nachas bez”H–  Shimon Gala’i”

And indeed hundreds of donors have already taken advantage of this amazing opportunity, giving enough to support a needy family for a month- something that in itself is powerful enough to tear up unfavorable decrees and assure them a good and sweet year.

Plus, they also merit receiving the segulah knife from the holy hands of Rav Gala’i shlit”a, and in addition they receive his heartfelt brocha, which together with the mitzvah of tzedakah will bring them abundant parnassah, a happy and peaceful life with nachas from all their descendants for generations to come, bisiyatta diShmaya.

Click here to support a family and merit to receive the segulah knife directly from Maran HaRav Shimon Gala’i shlit”a>>

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