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Here’s What’s Doing: Expanded Edition

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Dear Friends & Supporters,

It’s always comforting to meet a friendly face — whether while strolling through your neighborhood, when you find yourself in an unfamiliar place, feeling out of your element, or, chas v’sholom, if you find yourself in hot water. In those moments, a friendly face can make all the difference, offering a sense of support just when you need it most.

In this newsletter, you’ll catch a small glimpse into the lives of Klal Yisroel’s friendly faces — the shtadlonim, the dedicated doers who work tirelessly day in and day out on our behalf, for our children, our towns, and our communities. These are the advocates who open doors in the halls of power, representing Klal Yisroel with dignity and respect. They are people brimming with passion, committed to going above and beyond in their efforts for the klal and the yochid.

I know this because I see these faces every week, if not every day. They’re not just my friends and colleagues; they’re your friends, too. They have your back. They have Klal Yisroel’s back.

As you read through this newsletter, take the time to get to know them. Learn about their achievements, empathize with their setbacks, and be inspired by their — and their families’ — dedication and self-sacrifice.

Ultimately, we are asking Klal Yisroel to join together — b’agudah achas — to show our support. Show them that their efforts matter to you, that THEY matter to you. Because, believe me, whether you realize it or not, they truly do.

Warm regards,

 ששת ימים תעבוד ועשית… בא שבת, בא מנוחה!

Rabbi Naftali Miller
Chief Development Officer

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