[FREE This Week!] 40 Leading Voices In Torah Education Reveal The Inside Story

Join the sweet, deep pre-Rosh Hashana learn fest for growth-oriented women: The Rise Into Your Crown Summit V! 

🧒Parenting 🧑‍🏫Teaching 📚Adult Education 👐Kiruv 🎀Educating our Girls 🫣Parenting the Inner Child 👒Jewish Femininity

[Video for women only] 

You’re a thoughtful Jewish woman with a thirsty soul. 

It’s been 11 months of war. 11 months of searching for answers and connection.

You know the Torah holds the most satisfying, deep, relevant answers.

What would happen if you could actually access them?

Simple: You would change the world around you. 

Because when a woman is filled with profound, nourishing, healing Torah and feels a deep connection to Hashem, it overflows naturally onto the world around her…


 Join the FREE sweet, deep pre-Rosh Hashana learnfest for growth-oriented women: 

👑The Rise Into Your Crown Summit V👑 


Featuring 40 leading voices in Jewish education

hosted by Rebbetzin Tamar Taback

Founder of the Nexus School of Transformational Torah for Women

Endorsed by Rabbanim


At the Summit you will…

Unfurl🌹 the deep, sweet inner essence of all types of Chinuch (education)…

Re-connect🔗 to a part of yourself

which recedes behind the screen of your humdrum day-to-day… 

Take a large step👣 back, out of survival mode,

and rejuvenate your role as a Torah guide of the thirsty big and little people in your life…

And finally, uncover🎉 the most effective way to touch the neshamos of any age or stage… and internalize that it’s 100% within your power.

 10 days  |  40 speakers  |  1000s of women | 1 mission 


 Join Rebbetzin Taback in conversing with 40 leading voices in Torah Education, including:

Rabbi Menachem Nissel

Rabbi Daniel Whitman

Rabbi Ben Zion Shafier

Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky

Rabbi Dan Roth (Torah Live)

Rabbi Nechemia Coopersmith (Aish)

Rebbetzin Tzipora Gottlieb

Rebbetzin Shira Smiles

Rebbetzin Slovie Jungreis Wolff

Dina Friedman

Lori Palatnik

Dr. Tzipora Koslowitz

Yael Kaisman

Debbie Selengut

Faigie Zelcer,

Sivan Rahav Meir 

Blimie Heller

Rochel Zimmerman (Torah Umesorah)

Dr. Tzipora (Robyn) Koslowitz, PhD 

Rebbetzin Aviva Feiner

Dr Ilyssa Bass 

Rivkie Krause

Dvorah Waldman Jordana Baruchov (Olami)

Ruchoma (Fay) Ginzberg 

Shira Francis 

Miriam Davidson

 Fally Klein

Rivky Kaplan 

Chana Margulies

Explore the rest of our prestigious presenters→

(And find your favorite!)


NOTE: All workshops will be available for 36 hours only!  

Day 1: [🔴 LIVE] Orientation with Rebbetzin Tamar Taback

Day 2-10: 

Day 11: [🔴LIVE] Summit Finale!  (Stay tuned for details!)



“The world pursues envy, desire and honor, leading to unhappiness. Only Torah and mitzvos bring true contentment. We must resist outside influence and create a true Torah culture. Tavo Aleichen Bracha”  – Rav Aharon Feldman

“Rabbanit Taback is a gifted thinker, speaker and writer, who has poured her heart and soul into teaching that understanding that ignites a love for Hashem and His Torah.” – Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky

דברי ברכה – With words of blessing – Rabbi Yitzchak Berkowitz

“Rebbetzin Taback’s programs reveal the feminine side of the spiritual in its genuine glory.” – Rabbi Akiva Tatz

Join for 10 transformative days of inspiration, community and revealing the sweetness and depth of our Torah.

We can’t wait to welcome you!

📞phone line available. Contact: [email protected]

The summit is dedicated for the safety and protection of the Jewish People, and is l’ilui nishmas Naftali ben Ezra Avraham


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