The Only Thing That Can Save Us

As we sit down to mourn the destruction of the Bais HaMikdash and approach one of the saddest Tisha B’Avs in recent history, let us think for a moment about what it would mean for Klal Yisroel if the Kol Torah in Eretz Yisroel would be silenced ch”v. 


We all know the situation in Eretz Yisroel today. The army is fighting on multiple fronts as our foes encircle us, suffering tremendous losses. And as the war wages on in the north and the south, our bochurim and avreichim are fighting a different battle. It is their learning that keeps our enemies at bay. It is their learning that protects our soldiers and the front lines. They are the battalion that is ensuring the safety of Klal Yisroel every single day.

Yet that learning is now at risk. The Israeli government has instituted draconian budget cuts to yeshivos and kollelim across Eretz Yisroel. These budget cuts affect over 50,000 individuals and their families.

This has caused a crisis among the Olam HaTorah, as the Torah institutions that struggle financially on a regular basis are at immediate risk of collapse. Avreichim have lost their kollel stipends, leaving them with no means to feed their families. Yeshivos have to ration electricity and air conditioning, as well as cut back on food for the bochurim.

In previous weeks, communities around the world rallied with unparalleled unity to heed the call of our gedolim and save the Torah learning of Eretz Yisroel. The mission: To raise enough funds to cover the shortfall caused by the Israeli government’s budget cuts.

Wednesday, July 24, saw Klal Yisroel come out en masse in support of Keren Olam HaTorah, exceeding the audacious fundraising goal of $10 Million in one night. Following the event at Bell Works, NJ, communities across the world, most recently London, England followed suit, with local events and fundraisers, determined to do their part to ensure the survival of the Yeshiva world. But with a budget shortfall that amounts to $9 million a month, additional funds are needed to cover the deficit.

On this day when we cry for what we’ve lost, we remember that throughout this long Galus our only salvation comes through Torah. And as the war in Eretz Yisroel unfortunately continues to unfold, we cannot afford to have the Kol Torah threatened and at risk.

The zechus of their Torah learning, along with the incredible unity Klal Yisroel around the world has displayed in trying to save it, will ultimately bring us back to Yerushalayim and the third Bais HaMikdash.

Let us do our part and contribute to the campaign that will guarantee our survival and the ultimate redemption.

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