Project Inspire Presents a Tisha B’Av Film: A Little Bit of Light

Project Inspire Presents

A Little Bit of Light
Untold stories from deep within Hamas captivity that will ignite our boundless potential.

Hosted by Rav Etiel Goldwicht and Sivan Rahav Meir.

Streaming Tisha B’Av 5784 at

An original film by Mint Media

Every year, Project Inspire releases an uplifting film on Tisha Bav that aligns with its mission to excite, inspire, and encourage Jews to reach out to non-religious Jews they encounter. Project Inspire has successfully activated tens of thousands of Jews in this outreach effort. This year’s film highlights two incredible stories of hostages taken by Hamas on October 7th, who, despite their captivity, inspired a movement of Shabbos and mitzvah observance. In a world changed by these attacks, there is a unique openness among people. Now is the time to reach out to our fellow Jews, change the world, and create a movement of Kiruv.

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