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Incredible: Heroic 7- Year Old Kidnapped Boy Refused Treif For Over 6 Months! Court Date Tomorrow

In the ongoing heartrending saga of the Sephardi French children, in which three innocent Jewish children were forcibly taken from their home, the court case has commenced and the judges will issue their ruling in less than Tomorrow. The future of these children hangs in the balance; whether they will be allowed to return to their heartbroken mother or not. In another alarming development, the court has decided to consider whether the two remaining children, a toddler and a baby boy a few months of age, will be allowed to remain home. The ruling is set to be delivered on July 25th. 

In the interim, with tremendous siyata diShmaya Askanim succeeded in having the children transferred from the non-Jewish institution to one under Jewish ownership which is somewhat accommodating to the religious needs of the children. The current institution is still primarily irreligious, but here the children are able to keep Shabbos and have contact with other Jews. In addition, this coming week they will hopefully be able to start attending a religious day school.

In a sensational incident this past week, the local Chabad rabbi Rabbi Dovid Ben-elbaz was able to bring them Yarmulka and tzitzis as well as kosher food and cake for Shabbos, which were accepted excitedly by the children. Upon receiving the kosher meat and chicken, seven year old Maimon exclaimed excitedly in a tear choked voice, “For over 6 months I resisted eating the treife food that they tried feeding me. Now for the first time in over 6 months I am able to eat fleishigs!”

Incidentally, other children, formerly from frum households, were given the opportunity to join the three children, and a bittersweet Shabbos seudah ensued. 

The legal process as well as the constant shtadlanus is extremely costly and we have only been able to reach these milestone with the help of the entire community. However the Judge has the power to overturn all the progress that has been made by the July 25th verdict. A tremendous amounts of funds are still needed so that the askanim will be able to continue their efforts and successfully save these children and return them to their mother.

Tefilos Yisroel are still needed for Rachamei shomyim  to ensure the continuous progress and for a positive verdict on Tomoroow July 25th. Please continue to daven for Rivkah bas Gila and her children Maimon, Esther, Shlomo, Rochel Bracha and Avrohom.

Bez”H in the zechus of this great mitzva everyone will be zoicheh to see only nachas from their children and we will be zoicheh soon to celebrate the redemption of the children with their return to the mother and the Geulas Yisroel with Moshiach Tzidkeinu very soon.

Donations for the astronomical legal expenses are welcome.

To help or to donate click here.

Or call 646-718-9907

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