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Rebitzen Spetner’s Monsey Parenting Classes – Very Limited Slots Remaining!

Join Rebitzen Spetner’s thousands of students from around the world who have transformed themselves, their homes, and their relationships with their children. 

Course Schedule: 


Fundamental:  July 29-Aug 5 (morning sessions)
Topics: Discipline, Sibling rivalry, ruchnius  

Very limited slots remaining!

Intense Teen Course: Aug 6-Augs 9
Class full. Registration closed. 

Rebitzen Sima Spetner is a child psychologist and venerable parenting and chinuch specialist from Eretz Yisroel who has been teaching chinuch classes for decades. Her warm, engaging classes are filled with Torah hashkafah and practical ideas. Rebitzen Spetner was trained directly by Rav Shlomo Wolbe, and received haskamah from leading gedolim.

Seize this opportunity! Limited slots!

Recordings of the classes will be given exclusively to course participants.  

To register:
Fundamental Course:  send an email to [email protected]  You will get a bounce back email with online registration. 

For general info:
(call/ text) Esti Hirshfeld – 718-578-2128

Or email: [email protected]

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