UNPRECEDENTED: Largest Fundraising Campaign in Jewish History

In an unprecedented move, the leading gedolim of Eretz Yisroel have launched Keren Olam HaTorah, the largest fundraising campaign in Jewish history. This monumental effort comes in response to devastating budget cuts by the Israeli government which have left yeshivos and kollelim facing a staggering $107 million deficit.

As of April 1, Israel’s Supreme Court froze all funding for bochurim and yungerleit between the ages of 18-26, affecting over 50,000 bochurim and avreichim across more than 1,500 institutions. 


The effect of these cuts was immediately felt. Yeshivos are rationing food, electricity, and the air conditioning, leaving bochurim hungry and sweltering in the Israeli heat. Kollelim have been forced to close down and thousands of avreichim who depend on their stipends to provide for their families are now in dire straits.

In a historic show of unity and urgency, a group of revered gedolim traveled to the United States embarking on a whirlwind fundraising tour across the tri-state area and Canada. Their mission: to secure the funds needed to keep the doors of Torah learning open.

The response was astounding. In just a few short weeks, a record $84 million was pledged. 

Rosh Hayeshiva Harav Dov Landau’s emotional plea resonated deeply as he cried out, “Hatzilu, hatzilu! [Save us, save us]!”

The gravity of the situation cannot be overstated. These dwindling funds would mean a death sentence r”l to the Olam Hayeshivos. 


Now, we turn to you. We’re embarking on a mission to save the Yeshiva world as we know it. 

The campaign still faces a shortfall of $23 million. To address it, our gedolim are calling on each and every individual to do their part. The Rosh Hayeshiva Rav Dov Landau benched those who help, that Hashem will shower them with health, nachas, parnassah, and brachos ad bli dai. 

The Torah world is under attack. But we will not stand idly by.

Save the future of Klal Yisroel. 


Become a raiser | KerenOlamHaTorah.org

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