When Will My Water Turn 2024?

I hand the delivery guy a five and quickly turn to unpack the Shabbos order. I slit open the top box, separating the Shabbos nosh to be hidden away on the top pantry shelf. The crinkly bags of tortilla chips and packs of sour balls pile up neatly on the counter. Bending down to get the last bag of sour sticks, I hear a slow hiss and crash! The water bottles from the counter are now tap-dancing down my back. AAARGH! Not again. I’ve hardly recovered from this morning’s cascade. The tiles are still sparkling with that just wiped shine.

It feels uber drama queen to say “It’s me or the water bottles”. But. I’m saying it. I’m so done with this gravity-defying, wet mess of water bottles in varying states of fullness everywhere. 

I kick at the three cases of water bottles the delivery guy dropped next to the kitchen island. I pivot and high kick at these innocent-looking bottles overtaking my kitchen. And the garage. And the garbage can.

Why are these bottles making me so crazy? Kick. Kick. Ouch! My toes are getting quite the pummeling. “There has to be a better way”, I mutter darkly as I none too gently nudge the boxes over to the side door. 

Unpacking the rest of the groceries I let myself dream. I picture a countertop clear of bottles. I imagine the kids filling their Contigos without trailing wet footsteps in their mad dash out the door. I drool at the thought of my first piping hot sip of coffee and never waiting for the kettle to boil. 

I let my imagination run wild. It is the era of smart homes and AI … 

Icy cold water minus a puddle under the fridge.  

Middle of the night bottles with no prep.

Shabbos urns that plug themselves in.

Filters that are quick and easy to change.

Boiling water tap that’s childproof.

I don’t know if they read my mind. But Noam made all my daydreaming a reality. I still like to get in a good kickbox session every Monday but my toes are safe. 

I still do a little jig every time I press a button on the sleek Noam water dispenser on my counter. Cold. Hot. Boiling. Room temperature. It doesn’t matter what water mood I’m having — Noam has my back. Bonus? It works on Shabbos and yom tov too! How’s that for making my musings come true!

Noam water dispensers just launched in the USA. Quench your thirst with all the details >>>

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