Breaking! 3 Frum Sphardi Siblings of Abducted Children at Risk of Abduction

FRANCE – After several months of suffering in a secular institution, three innocent frum children are at risk of being joined by another three siblings.

The drama began this winter when the French police swooped down on the home where a family from Eretz Yisrael was staying in Armentieres, France, and forcibly snatched three helpless children from their mother’s embrace. 

Following their father’s placement in an institution due to emotional imbalances, the local authorities falsely deemed the mother neglectful and incapable of caring for her children.

Maimon, 7, Esther, 5, and Shlomo, 3, were placed in a secular institution, alongside Arabs and other children, where they are being physically and emotionally abused.

The authorities confiscated the yarmulkes of Maimon and his freshly-shorn brother, and had their peyos cut. When the oldest protested that the food they were served was non-kosher, he was placed on drugs to reduce his mental awareness and force him to give in.

This Thursday  – July 4 a court hearing will be held in France to determine the fate of the 3 captive children, if they will IY”H return to live in a Jewish home, or C’V they must remain by Goyim – totally assimilated from Yidishkeit until they are 18 years old Rc”l.

A massive Atzeret will be held in Beth Medrash Guovoha – Lakewood, today at 10:30 to Daven and say Tehilim and beg Hashem for mercy on the Jewish children in France, to bring them back to a Jewish home.

Askanim involved in the case say that the only way to save these innocent children from definite shmad and return them to their family, is by way of a lengthy and costly legal process. The latest is that the authorities are now threatening to take away the remaining three children.

Please daven for the mother, Rivka bas Gila, and her children – Maimon, Esther, Shlomo, Rochel Brocha, and Avrohom.

To help the family and Askanim or to donate Click Here 
or call 646-718-9907

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