In 3 Days: Join Ohel Sarala In A Historic Global Tefillah at Vasikin – Storming the Heavens

This year on the 26th of Sivan, the yahrtzeit of the holy Tanna Rav Yonasan ben Uziel, Ohel Sarala and thousands of singles in shidduchim will gather around the world at Vasikin time in Eretz Yisroel to storm the heavens and daven for shidduchim.

They will be joined by minyanim of Talmidei Chachamim at Amukah, Kever Rachel, Me’aras Hamachpela, and the Kosel, who will be completing Sefer Tehillim four times and davening for the yeshuos of all participants.

You can submit a name for ANY yeshuah to be recited at all four locations during this historic tefillah and tremendous Eis Ratzon.

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