For the past 70 years, Toras Emes has been the heartbeat of Los Angeles.
Like a heart that spreads the force of life, Toras Emes imbues our community with the true force of life – Torah – by giving every single child access to the chinuch they deserve.
There has never been a more critical time to keep that heartbeat going.
With the current enrollment of over 1,000 talmidim and the cost of running a school rising each year, we need your support now more than ever.
Partner with us in a vital 48-hour fundraising campaign to raise $1M for Toras Emes.
Connect with us in our quest to perpetuate Torah to the next generation.
We will celebrate in a momentous siyum where, together with fathers and grandfathers, we will raise the banner of the Torah HaKedosha – the eternal heartbeat of our nation.