Save Camp Migdal: Join Our All-or-Nothing Campaign to Keep This Vital Camp Open for Children With Special Needs!

It’s an all-or-nothing campaign for Camp Migdal – and we cannot let it close down!

Camp Migdal is a sleep-away summer camp experience for children with a wide range of special needs and neurological and developmental disabilities. We are located on our beautiful campus, in High Falls, New York, boasting state of the art amenities designed to meet our campers’ needs. The fun, structured and excitement filled days enable campers to thrive in an educational and therapeutic environment, while being cared for and supported by loving and well-trained staff. Known for its stellar reputation, experience, professionalism, and warm environment, Camp Migdal prides itself with meeting our campers’ unique and individualized needs and working to accomplish each child’s personalized goals. Each summer is filled with life-long memories, strong bonds forged, and truly becomes an extraordinary summer to remember.

At Camp Migdal, we pride ourselves with remaining focused on our mission as our campers are tended to with utmost sensitivity and love, while maintaining professionalism and a high level of care.

We often say that our goal is threefold:

– Giving our campers a loving, growing and fun-filled summer experience, while teaching life skills and working on individualized goals

– Giving our families a much-needed respite from the care they provide for their child year round, so that when the summer ends, they are invigorated with new energy and strength

– Giving our staff members a positive experience as we build the next generation of special educators by instilling passion, and sensitivity, providing training, and immersing them in a positive, fulfilling and growing experience

Campers gain so much from the experience and accomplish so many goals as they grow and thrive in the enriched and caring therapeutic environment. Families wait all year for their 7 weeks of reprieve as they get to recharge so that they can continue taking care of their child and all the needs that come along. Siblings enjoy being the ones to get their own attention with the special needs child taking over. And staff members develop their passion here and are trained to care for our campers in a loving and special way. Many of our staff members go on to develop special needs programs in their communicates and continue changing the special needs world.

Now… everything is in jeopardy!! Camp Migdal is facing closure!

Due to our expansion to accommodate more children as well as accumulated debt, we are facing imminent closure unless Hashem sends 1.5M fast. We are in the middle of a genuine ALL OR NOTHING CAMPAIGN! Theres nothing to lose but gain an opportunity to save Camp Migdal! If camp does not meet their goal, all donations will have an option to be returned, however we believe that Hashem will not let us down! He loves His children and can help Camp Migdal in one second! He can also send donors like you to open your hearts and help save the day… To save Camp Migdal… to save all the families counting on us!

How can we open with a debt of 1.5 million?!

But how can we not?!

YOU can help save Camp Migdal by…. and join 4,560 people who have already opened their hearts to do so!

Since the news initially broke, it was evident that no matter how things seem, we will not accept a no! Camp means too much too many to just close up. Through rivers of tears and an abundance of confusion, indescribable energy came flowing throwing. People jumped in and in just about 30 hours, over $605,000 were raised between over 4560 people that truly care. Phone calls, meetings, emails, letters and whatever it took… we knew that letting our families down simply is not an option!

Parents, friends, staff alumni, staff all joined forces to make the impossible possible.

Here we are… heading towards the halfway mark. Where will this go?

Will the pool remain a scenic serene place or will it be filled with bubbles of laughter?

Will the path remain empty and obsolete or will it continue bearing witness to the love and devotion shown to the campers being wheeled on them?

Wil the playground remain untouched or will cacophonies of giggles be heard there?

Will lives continue being changed at Camp Migdal for many summers to come, or….

Will we look at the debt and the many reasons why Migdal must close, or will we find the one reason they must stay open?

We believe, with Hashems help, that we can still get there.

With YOUR heart.

YOU can help save Camp Migdal by donating to our Emergency all or nothing campaign.

Call in: 347-434-7100

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