Registration for OU’s summer kashrus training program is now open!
There are two options:
1. One Week Educational Program
Monday August 19- Thursday August 22
*Explore modern day food technology and halacha
*Learn fascinating applications of kashrus from Glatt Kosher to Chalav Yisroel
*Visit certified stores and facilities
2. Three Week Internship Program
Wednesday August 14- Thursday August 29th.
*Explore modern day food technology and halacha
*Learn fascinating applications of kashrus from Glatt Kosher to Chalav Yisroel
*Visit certified stores and facilities
*Immerse yourself in the intricacies of kashrus and halacha
*Gain hands on practice and gain valuable field experience
*Assist OU staff in the office and in the field
*Network with the world of kashrus
Apply here
For more information please reach out to Rabbi Eli Eleff at 212.613.0602 or