Ready to Understand Your Tefillah? Meet The Feigenbaum Siddur

Introducing the Feigenbaum Siddur, a groundbreaking new weekday siddur designed to revolutionize the way frum teens and adults approach davening. Unlike traditional guides or companions, this Siddur is crafted to ensure you ACTUALLY understand what you’re saying during Tefillah and know what you should be thinking. It’s not just about reading the words—it’s about truly connecting with Hashem.

What makes the Feigenbaum Siddur unique? The key is in its relevant and readable translations and explanations, written in clear, everyday English. This approach allows you to focus on the meaning behind the Tefillah and have a more personal conversation with Hashem. You no longer need to struggle with complex or archaic language; the Feigenbaum Siddur brings the beauty of Tefilah into your daily life in a way that feels accessible and meaningful.

One of the most innovative features of this Siddur is the inclusion of FAQs throughout. These FAQs address all the Hashkafa questions that many of us have today, but might be hesitant to ask. Each question is met with real, honest answers presented in straightforward, down-to-earth terms.

The Feigenbaum Siddur is designed for teens of all ages and all backgrounds, but adults will find it equally compelling.

If you’re ready to transform your weekday davening experience, the Feigenbaum Siddur is the perfect choice. Available at your local Seforim store! 

To purchase your copy, head to

For bulk orders email or Whatsapp:  [email protected]

Your personal connection with Hashem starts here.

Rav Brudny Sh’lita: “I went through your siddur and it is a magnificent piece of work.” 

Baruch Adelman, 47 “I actually can’t remember the last time I concentrated on every Bracha in Shemoneh Esrei.”

Yehuda Greenlinger, 24: The content and format have been transformative for me. Having the commentary embedded in the text makes all the concepts so amenable to internalization and precision of thought and clarity during davening. 

Hadassah Noff, 17: “Wow! What simple ways to explain super deep concepts.” and “your Siddur has brought me life.”

Rabbi Yaakov Stein, Rebbe in Monsey: I have personally used your Siddur every day, and my Davening has taken on a completely different meaning. I truly owe a lot to you.”

Mrs. L Menaheles of a BY HS in Lakewood: “Thank you so much for creating such a masterpiece. Besides being so down to earth and meaningfully insightful, I found that your words helped keep me focused as I davened, which is of course a challenge I am faced with daily.”

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