In It Together: Join FCF in Supporting Flatbush This Pesach

FCF has become the address for community members facing a variety of financial struggles: Food. Essentials. Simchas. Tutoring. 

And so many financially stressful moments in between. 

And then there’s Pesach. 
It’s always a big deal.
But this year, it feels different. 

So many people are encountering unprecedented difficulty – 
People from across the financial spectrum. 

This year, 
We’re in it together

We all understand what it means to feel tighter, to think harder, to spend smarter. 

So today, we know that for those who always struggle with the basics, Pesach is a huge hurdle that they simply can’t overcome without our help.

It’s the age-old Kimcha D’Pischa.  
More relevant than ever today. 

Help us. Help them. Help Flatbush.

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