There Are Many Ways to Save a Life.

Burdens lifted. Families restored. Peace of mind delivered.

“We went away on a family trip for the first time since she was born.”

“We have guests for Shabbos once a year – the week of the Shabbaton.”

“In those 3 hours, our family life is saved.”

Families of special children are unsung heroes. 

We all know that. Yes, they know they’ve been chosen for a special Nisayon. Yes, they embrace it with love. 

But it’s not easy, and they need all the support they can get. 

Lev with Love has become synonymous with pure giving, inspired by two passionate teenagers who made it their mission to galvanize their peers on behalf of special kids and their families. 

Now, it’s grown into something bigger, better, and bolder – a full-fledged organization with full-time employees, hundreds of children and volunteers, and a full gamut of programming. 

And here’s the truth. 

Lev with Love volunteers are not just girls providing respite hours and relief to parents and families – they are lifesavers. 

Creating a culture of Chesed. 

Allowing parents to feel human again. 

Spreading positivity and acceptance. 

Literally, saving lives.


Families of special children have discovered a new life with Lev with Love. That’s 500 families, with 1,200 volunteers and 4 branches across the tri-state area. But it’s not just time that gives the families relief. It’s the Heartbeat performances, the mothers’ events, the LBA division for boys, the Shabbatons, the Chol Hamoed trips, and everything in between. 

The best part? There’s no red tape. No reams of paperwork. No fancy applications, evaluations, or approvals. 

Because Lev with Love never says no. 

“You have no idea what you are doing for us – and for Klal Yisroel,” says Rabbi Nosson Nussbaum, a LWL father. Avi Koenig, a LWL father, agrees. “Don’t stop what you’re doing! These families need this like they need to breathe air.”

Now, LWL is poised for even more growth: More events. More help for parents. More relief. 

JOIN US BY DONATING HERE and  keep Lev with Love going and growing. 

Join them. Be there. Support our lifesavers. 

Every dollar you donate goes to lift burdens. 

Restore families. Save lives. LITERALLY.

“On Purim morning. On Yom Kippur. On a boiling hot Shabbos afternoon. Late nights, early mornings, on Chol Hamoed and Motzei Shabbos. “

“My Shabbos table finally feels calm and enjoyable.”

“Now I can believe we can accept this challenge with strength.”

“Our grandparents could never come to us for Shabbos. Until now.”

“These girls… they are the real thing.”

We can keep this going – together. 

And we must. 

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