Today’s the Operation! Little Motti Thanks the Donors Who Helped Him Receive a New Ear…and He Also Has a Small Request

Little Motti was born with a very obvious physical defect- he only had one ear, which also caused a significant hearing impairment.

His parents did everything possible to discover ways to help him. Finally they reached the world’s biggest expert in the field, who said he could have an operation when he turned six. When he turned six, they set out on a campaign to raise the sum necessary for the operation- about half a million shekels.

Am Yisrael rallied to help little Motti, who then was able to receive the ear transplant he needed so badly. Today he looks almost like all the other children, with two ears, and his hearing is excellent, baruch HaShem.

His smile could melt your heart. To think that he suffered for years because he was missing an ear…it’s heartbreaking. How wonderful that he was born as part of Am Yisrael, and merited the assistance of the whole community!
To help Motti, click here>>> 

And now Motti has another small request. In order to make his ear look really natural, and so he can really feel that he’s just like all the other children, he needs a small corrective surgery. The surgery is small, but the costs and expenses associated with it total about 65,000 shekels.

In Motti’s family are another 13 children besides him, bli ayin hara, and his parents try very hard to support their children themselves, and bs”d they’re also successful in this. However, an expense of 65,000 shekels is beyond their ability to cover by themselves.

All that Motti is asking now, with his sweet smile, is for one thing- help him reach this sum.

If we all contribute something, whatever we can afford, then together we can reach this goal. Let’s help Motti be a child like all other children, bs”d– let’s gift him with a new ear so he can feel and look like everyone else!

To help Motti, click here>>> 

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