Klal Yisroel Unites for Krula — The Growing Kehila and Mosdos Serving the Williamsburg Community

Williamsburg — The winter fundraising season is closing out with a bang as the acclaimed Krula kehilla and mosdos enter the critical stages of a campaign that will determine the future of this bastion of Torah & Chasidus.


Few mosdos or kehillos have experienced the growth and expansion that Krula has seen in recent years, under the guidance and leadership of the Krula Rebbe Shlita.


Today, the mosdos serve hundreds of boys, girls and bachurim apiece; and the kehilla is a center of Jewish life for countless Chasidim, mispalelim and adherents. There is little doubt that Krula has earned its way to be counted as one of the proudest and most prestigious Chasidus the heimish world has to offer.


Of course, these successes don’t happen on their own. With tremendous siyata dishmaya, the Rebbe Shlita has taken on the responsibility to elevate Krula and establish it as an unparalleled center of Torah and Yiras Shomayim.


In recent years the kehilla’s cheder, school and yeshiva have continued to further expand on their holy mission and help take Krula to unparalleled heights. These efforts have B”H borne fruit, with the children blossoming before our eyes and Krula continuing to march as a flag bearer for Klal Yisroel’s future.


But as can be imagined, these efforts do not come cheap. And things have only gotten harder in recent years.


That is why the kehilla and administration have decided that the time has come to turn to Klal Yisroel with an urgent plea: please help us see to it that our children thrive and grow in the way every Yiddish parent hopes and davens for.


Today, it is the community’s time to answer the call and be part of this lofty mission.


Hundreds of Krula community members and fathers of children in the mosdos have taken on campaign pages, encouraging their friends and family to be part of this undertaking. These raisers have been embraced by the community at large, who have seen the Rebbe, his kehilla & mosdos in action.


With the final hours of the campaign ahead, it is expected that many additional thousands of generous individuals will further step up to crown the Yagdil V’Yadir mission with succes. Donors are certain to receive the many brachos promised to those who support Torah and merit the zechusim of the great tzaddikim whose legacy is carried forth in the Krula dynasty.


To join, donations can be submitted here – CLICK HERE!

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