The Mashgiach in our Classrooms | Chinuch Habanos Event

Torah Umesorah Brings Hundreds of Mechanchos Together

    A winter night in February. What drew over 500 mechanchos and menahalos to the Clifton Grade School in Lakewood, NJ this past Monday night? 

    Torah Umesorah, working with dedicated staff and sponsors, produced an unprecedented Chinuch Habanos event on the occasion of the shloshim of the Mashgiach, R’ Matisyahu Salomon zt”l. The aim was to pay tribute to the life and legacy of this fallen giant zt”l, by instilling our mechanchos with the drive and desire to bring his ‘hartz’ and warmth into their own classrooms on a daily basis. 

    With live event hookups in  Providence, RI; Chicago, IL; South Bend, IN; and Miami, FL, the inspiration was not limited to Lakewood alone. The Mashgiach’s message reverberated across states and phone lines, as more than 200 women called in to take part in this massive kiddush Hashem.

‘You will be the ones to greet Mashiach!’

    The event opened with divrei chizuk from Harav Yitzchok Sorotzkin shlita, delivered with his signature passion and fire. He instilled our mechanchos with a tremendous sense of pride and privilege to be the ones educating the next generation of bnos yisroel. Harav Yitzchok made it clear that any person involved in the chinuch of our heilige children would be among those who greet Moshiach!  He gave special recognition to the General Studies teachers who have made great headway in teaching secular subjects in an engaging and hashkafically-sound way. 

Not a Dry Eye

    Among the highlights of the event was the all-new music video presentation titled ‘Reaching Each One.’ Stirring, original lyrics and soulful music accompanied by breathtaking footage showcasing the Mashgiach’s inimitable derech hachinuch and ahavas Yisroel. The poignant images and memorable sound bites highlighted R’ Matisyahu’s achrayus and nesius ol—the way his ahava for the klal truly enabled him to reach each Yid. It left the audience with visions of greatness–and the feeling that each one of them could also connect with their students by truly loving each one. 

‘Which primary chinuch directive of the Mashgiach resonates in your mind during your teaching day?’ 

    The Roundtable Discussion, moderated by Mrs. Baily Stefansky, provided ample opportunity for the Mashgiach’s daughter and the Mashgiach’s niece (Mrs. Perkowski and Mrs. Bernfeld) to relate chinuch directives and messages that they personally heard from R’ Matisyahu. They shared relevant bits of wisdom and hadracha that stuck with them, and now—with us. 

‘Chinuch with Hartz’

    At planned intervals throughout the event, attendees were privileged to view targeted video messages and anecdotes from six Rabbonim chashuvim: Harav Shmuel Yeshaya Keller, Rabbi Newman, Rabbi Nochum Binder, Rabbi Zions, Harav Salomon (son of the Mashgiach), and Rabbi Jacobs (son-in-law). Each one related a powerful message of chinuch by drawing on the zichronos and teachings of the Mashgiach zt”l. At the conclusion of the presentation, Rabbi Saadya Grama endeavored to answer the question uppermost in everyone’s minds: So how can we bring the Mashgiach’s ‘hartz’ into our own classrooms?

For the Road

    Attendees walked away with a beautiful, original publication titled ‘ולבו לב העם’ featuring stories and anecdotes about the Mashgiach that were submitted by mechanchim and mechanchos and compiled by Torah Umesorah. In addition, pre-registered attendees received fully loaded USB’s with the Mashgiachs’ Vaadim on Chinuch, to listen to and cherish.

    But most of all, they walked away with the ‘hartz.’ 

    With pride. 

    With conviction. 

   With renewed purpose and desire to carry on the Mashgiach’s legacy by bringing his warmth into their classrooms and lives, every single day.

    Torah Umesorah thanks Adas Yeshurun Chicago, Dovid Gruman/Dave Electronics, Harav Zupnik with Bais Torah U’Tefillah in Passaic, Lopin and Vilenski Families of Chicago, Moishe Rajchenbach, Ray and Sharon Haber, and those who gave in anonymity for sponsoring and enabling this event to happen.

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