The Reshes Kollelei Flatbush: The Unstoppable Power of Torah

Chazal teach us that the more Torah one learns, the more he will want to learn. The more a person connects with Torah, the greater the desire to further envelop oneself in an environment of Torah.

The last several years have seen this very concept play out in the Flatbush Jewish community. With the arrival of the Flatbush Kollel eight years ago, the enormous hashpa’a of Torah made itself felt across the entire community, and, within several years, the Flatbush Kollel grew into Reshes Kollelei Flatbush with the opening of three more kollelim.

But these four kollelim are just the beginning. The success Reshes Kollelei Flatbush has seen is inspiring more Torah growth as others open kollelim, with even more communal institutions of Torah coming down the pipeline, helping to grow the Flatbush community with more bnai Torah and talmidei chachomim.

As the importance of limud Torah has spread across Flatbush, more and more residents have come to realize that the future of Flatbush’s storied community is tied to the continued growth of Torah learning and Torah living. Families endeavor to raise children who prioritize a Torahdike lifestyle. The chashivus of Torah and those who spend their days and nights immersed in its study continues to increase day by day, month by month, as the power of Torah paves the way to a bright future.

Im ain kemach, ain Torah. The support of individuals, of families, of the community to ensure the financial stability of Reshes Kollelei Flatbush is crucial to ensure it can continue to develop the unstoppable force of Torah. Reshes Kollelei Flatbush has a current $3 million budget, and is looking to expand further. Be’ezras Hashem, Reshes Kollelei Flatbush will raise $3,000,000 during its campaign to be held on February 14 & 15. Reshes Kollelei Flatbush needs the involvement and commitment of every member of the community to continue its vital role as a center of Torah learning, Torah living and Torah growth in Flatbush.

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