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[Last chance] Unleash Your Potential: Transform Lives and Earn From Your Passion by learning the Revolutionary “Zobin Method!

We are closing registration to learn the world-renowned “Zobin Method” in the Kriah Specialist Academy” and become a master in learning remediation, leading struggling students towards success. Reserve your spot now! Click here for full details


Introducing a life-changing opportunity for those seeking fulfillment, income, and a higher purpose.

Are you talented in the field of Chinuch? Imagine harnessing your skills to not only educate, but also make a substantial income from it. If you’re a Rebbi in Yeshiva yearning to lead struggling Bochrim towards success in reading and learning, this is for you. 

Welcome to the “Kriah Specialist Academy” featuring the world-renowned “Zobin method,“a transformative program that will turn you into a master in learning remediation and Kriah specialist within half a year! 

For over 35 years, Rabbi Zvi Zobin has revolutionized the lives of thousands of struggling students and trained numerous successful educators worldwide.


By joining this course, you will gain invaluable knowledge and tools that can be immediately integrated into employment.

Gone are the days of merely working for a paycheck; instead, you will make a living from something you are truly passionate about.

Imagine going home at the end of the day with a tremendous feeling of fulfillment, knowing you have positively impacted the lives of young learners. 

More importantly, by embarking on this journey, you will unlock the hidden potential within you.


Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this incredible opportunity. Click the link below for more details and to gain access to a free webinar.

As a special incentive, the first 5 applicants will receive a generous discount! 

Click here for full details


But don’t just take our word for it. Hear directly from past graduates of the course who have experienced the transformative power of the Zobin method. Their success stories speak for themselves.


”I’m doing kriah tutoring for 6 years. I have trained in Orton Gillingham, LIPS, Toras Pichu to name a few. While each one has its maaleh NOTHING COMPARES TO RAV ZOBIN’S COURSE. it is all encompassing regarding physiology of reading and different issues and how to actually take care of them BS”D without keeping the child for years and years of work. I’m very grateful. 

I am using the method primarily in my private practice of kriah tutoring but I did implement some tidbits in the school like whole word reading that really effected a tremendous improvement in the fluency when the students are saying tehillim. 

I also used the reading readiness drawings to see how particular student in school thinks/learns and it has been a gamechanger BH.     Thank you so much.

– T.R., 2024 graduate, Yerushalaim


Learning Rav Zobin’s method has given me the tools to deal with a very wide range of problems with reading and learning for all ages and provide real solutions for them. Rabbbi Zobin seems to have a real solution for almost every problem!

And all this in record time! What takes other methods hundreds of hours to accomplish with this method it’s a matter of maybe 20 hours of remediation.

This is revolutionary!

What’s also unique is that he gives you a broad enough understanding of the issues to be able to innovate as well.

This has been a great way for me to combine kodesh and fulfilment with a decent income.

I recommend this to anybody who wants to really help struggling students and make a difference in their lives and at the same time earn an income.

Yitzchok E., Lakewood


If you’re searching for a career that combines Kodesh with a fulfilling life mission, look no further. Click here for full details and embark on a journey that will forever change your life.


“I went a little crazy from the kriah programs I’ve been using,” Raitzy said. “I just felt so bad for the kids! They want to read so badly and they feel so bad about themselves that they’re so behind. 


“I wanted to tell them, ‘If you do this you’ll be able to read’ – but I couldn’t even do that!

Because who knows! We could work and work and not get anywhere. It was hard for me to motivate them to put in the effort because there were no visible results.   


“Any good kriah course is going to have some similarities – they’re made by people who work with kids – and they teach what works!


“But kriah Specialist Academy is so much more specific! It targets certain issues much better. Other courses are pretty standard phonics courses, they tell you to practice in multi-sensory ways, etcetera. But this course gets results much faster and helps them remember it better and apply it right away in class.


“The kids are reading these long pages! Other methods involve a lot of decoding. Here’s a beis, here’s a komatz, put them together. It’s meaningless and boring – figuring out a bunch of puzzles.


“My boys love this way of doing things – they think it’s amazing! It turns them on, gets them motivated to do something challenging and they’ll do it a bunch of times to improve.


“I have very difficult fifth graders and I use the whole approach. It works so effectively and quickly!” Raitzy concluded.


Click here for full details


Some time soon you can have these type of results…

“Zevi was 15 …  spent more time at the local Seven-Eleven than in yeshivah due to his reading disability. Learning was torture, and he hated every moment in yeshivah. His father suggested he leave yeshivah and learn a trade.

… Someone suggested to Zevi to meet with Rabbi Zvi Zobin, Zevi had tried every expert that America had to offer and was reluctant to go through the pain of submitting himself to another maven. Yet on a whim, he decided to go. To his amazement, he felt that the wise rabbi actually understood him. 

Three months later, Reb Sholom saw his wife crying. She said she had just gotten off the phone with Zevi. Choked with emotion, she explained that Zevi had told her that he thought of the same question that the Ritva asks on the Gemara. But that wasn’t why she was crying. Her tears came when Zevi added that he had found his question in the Ritva. On his own. Zevi could read.

He stayed in the Mir for five years and then, at age 22, went back to the States and met his zivug. Zevi returned to the Mir and shteiged for another five years. He then joined an outreach kollel in America…”

[excerpt from mishpacha article: BY THE WARMTH OF THE SUN

 By Rabbi Menachem Nissel | DECEMBER 19, 2023] 




 “…has already assisted many students who would never have been able to achieve their full potential…”


 – Rabbi Mattisyahu Salomon shlit”a (Mashgiach, Bais Medrash Govoha, Lakewood)

“I know personally of many who have been helped and therefore laud the time, effort, and system which Rabbi Zobin has established. May his efforts lead to success for many.”    


– Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Horowitz z”l (The Bostoner Rebbe)




Click here for full details and be part of something extraordinary.


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