Boro Park Center Residents Celebrate Musical Tu B’Shvat

The halls of Boro Park Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing were filled with leibidic music and dancing as part of the facility’s annual Tu B’Shvat celebration.

To get the party going, BPC’s recreational staff and HaRav Aron Wajsfeld, the center’s rabbi encouraged residents to join in the music as Meileich Braunstein created a lebedig atmosphere by singing while accompanied by his guitar. An especially moving moment was when the residents all joined Meileich in singing Acheinu to express support for our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel. 

The occasion included beautiful, artfully arranged fruit platters with exotic fruits, both fresh and dried, which were enjoyed along with the singing and dancing. In addition to dancing with residents, Rabbi Wajsfeld provided words of Torah and chizuk.

“The rabbi talked about how Tu B’Shvat is the New Year for the trees, and like the trees, we should all have a fresh start,” said a BPC employee. “The residents were all smiling and uplifted, and they all were extremely happy to be part of the fun.”

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