הרי פירותיך מתוקין — Reaping the fruits of their labor? Say Shkoyach!

הרי פירותיך מתוקין

Reaping the fruits of their labor? Say Shkoyach!

It’s Rosh Hashana L’illanos, a time when we can see the fruits of our labor. Our Rebbeim and Moros put in so much heart and effort, and we see the results of their hard work in our peiros, our children. With Tu B’shvat just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to show your gratitude.

Chasdei Lev is proud to introduce Thank Your Teacher, a simple, convenient gifting platform where parents and talmidim can show their Hakaras Hatov to their Rebbeim and Moros in a financial way. The platform’s easy convenience means that parents can finally take care of gifting in the moment, instead of postponing and possibly forgetting about it altogether. All funds are sent directly to the selected Rebbi or Morah, along with your personal note of gratitude.

Gifting is easy!

  1. Visit www.thankyourebbi.com

  2. Select the school of your choice

  3. Select your Rebbi or Morah

  4. Enter your gift and message

Thank your Rebbeim and Moros on Chasdei Lev’s gifting platform today.

Visit: https://thankyourebbi.com/

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