Today is the Wedding! At the Conclusion of Shivah: The Chosson Rests his Wedding Suit on his Father’s Kever

The chosson, the son of Rabbi Naftali Lankry zt”l breaks down crying: “I wanted you to see me dressed as a chosson, Abba; I wanted you to hold my wedding invitation in your hand- but now I’m left with only your kever“* The entire family wail and cry brokenheartedly


They got up from shivah and traveled to the kever of the father, Rabbi Naftali Lankry zt”l, a much-loved kollel avreich and talmid chacham who learned day and night. He lived with his family in Beitar, and passed away last week after a continual decline in his state of health as a result of the diabetes and heart condition he suffered from.

Rabbi Lankry left nine children behind, three of whom got married in his lifetime. Another child is scheduled to get married today- on January 14, and the five who are left at home are mostly older singles waiting for their yeshuos which will bez”H come soon- the youngest is 20 and the oldest 31.

When they visited their father’s kever at the conclusion of shivah, the chosson brought a ‘surprise’ with him- his wedding suit and his wedding invitation.

The suit and the invitation were laid gently by the chosson on his father’s fresh grave, as he sobbed and cried stormily. “Abba,” he shouted, “Abba! I wanted you to see me dressed like a chosson! Abba, I wanted you to hold my wedding invitation in your hand. I knew that because of your health situation you might not be able to participate, but at least to hold the invitation, to feel you’re with me as my wedding approaches…but now I’m left with only your kever. I can’t see the tears of excitement flowing from your eyes when you see the suit and the invitation. Instead, you see the tears of grief and mourning flowing from my eyes when I visit your kever. Kever! Instead of Abba, we have a kever…”

The family, deeply moved by the chosson‘s powerful words, all started to cry stormily and gave voice to their bottomless pain, which echoed throughout the cemetery- the searing pain over a precious person who was taken from them and will not return…

But they don’t have any more time to mourn or cry. They have to finish the last preparations for the wedding, which is scheduled for only a week from now.

They have nothing- they are coming to the wedding with empty hands. The family was so involved with the difficult situation of the father, who was hovering between life and death, that they could barely think about the approaching wedding. Preparations were done half-heartedly, and they have no money to pay for the rest. Now they must try to make the wedding especially joyful, but their hearts just aren’t in it and they have no money – they need help!

Please, whoever is sharing in this sad and painful episode, please open your heart and eyes and see the grief of this precious chosson and contribute as much as you can, and maybe even more than that, so we’ll be able to lift our eyes to Shamayim and say to our Father there: Dear Abba, we’ve done whatever we can to make this mother, the widow, rejoice with her son the chosson, who is getting married while deeply mourning his departed father. Now it’s your turn to do whatever you can- and He will bless you; His abilities are limitless.




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