Flatbush Community Gathers For Connected- Kesher Shel Kayama Event Celebrating Bonds At Yeshiva & Mesivta Toras Emes Kamenitz

[BROOKLYN, NY] – The Flatbush community came together this Sunday evening for the ‘Connected’ event hosted by Yeshiva & Mesivta Toras Emes Kamenitz. It was an inspiring celebration of the bonds connecting the talmidim, Rebbeim, and the Yeshiva today and in earlier generations. Held at the Sterling Banquet Hall, this event brought together talmidim with their parents and grandparents, alumni, Rabbanim, Yeshiva supporters and community members in a remarkable display of unity and tradition.

The event began with what was the true highlight of the program: a special learning session for grandfathers, fathers, and sons, symbolizing the transmission of Jewish values and teachings across generations. It was a true kiddush Hashem, and built upon the thousands of extra hours of Torah learning undertaken by talmidim during the Yeshiva’s ‘Hasmada Drive’. This was followed by a Siyum Hashas in tribute to the memories of a truly esteemed couple, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Klaus A”H. This celebrated their lasting contributions as longtime partners of the Yeshiva. As we are approaching the first Yahrtzeit of Mr. Klaus, it was also the perfect occasion to honor his memory with a Siyum Hashas.

Rav Yaakov Bender, the venerable Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Darchei Torah of Far Rockaway, recited the Hadran, which was followed by Kaddish, said by Mr. Shmulie Klaus, a respected son of Mr. & Mrs. Klaus. The event then transitioned into spirited dancing and singing, with everyone joining in harmonious celebration. All in attendance immensely enjoyed the experience, especially the performance by singers Levi Falkowitz and Chaim Brown, accompanied by the Shira Orchestra. The music brought an added joy and energy to the event, resonating deeply with both young and old.

Mr. Daniel Sofer thanked the many people who made the event possible. He introduced the speakers and honorees as the attendees sat to enjoy a sumptuous and elegant dinner.

Rav Yisroel Meir Zelinger, the Rosh Hanhalas HaYeshiva, spoke of the deep kesher a Rebbe can create with his talmid. “The connection formed by working on their neshomos lasts forever,” He said. He expounded on the theme of the evening. “For true life and real connection, just walk the halls of Yeshiva, which are pulsating with chiyus.” 

The event proceeded with video presentations showing scenes from around the yeshiva and introducing the honorees. Mr. & Mrs. Avrohom Kravitz were the elementary school Parents of the Year. Mr. & Mrs. Avrumi Izsak were the Mesivta Parents of the Year. Renowned 11th Grade Maggid Shiur, Rabbi Avraham Aryeh Kempler, was the recipient of the Harbotzas Torah Award, celebrating over a decade of sterling chinuch. Also celebrated was the great achievement of the fundraising campaign, thanking the over 1,500 donors who helped the Yeshiva reach the million dollar goal.

The YTE Boys Choir entertained dinner attendees, led by the English Principal, Rabbi Chaim Block. This performance showcased the talents of the students, charming the attendees with their chein and enthusiasm.

Yeshiva Toras Emes Kamenitz is growing by leaps and bounds, a testament to the dedication of its talented Hanhala, Rebbeim, and teachers. Their commitment to making a mark in the effort they put into every single talmid is evident. This growth is undoubtedly a result of their unwavering dedication, as they strive to provide a nurturing and enriching environment for each talmid. Everyone who attended was much appreciated for showing their support for such an important institution.

Above all, this event added yet another dimension to the connection the Yeshiva has forged with everyone affiliated with it, past, present, and future. It bridged the gap between generations, linking the legacy of those who built this wonderful institution with the vibrant energy of those who will lead our Jewish community forward. It was a moving reminder of how every individual connected to Yeshiva Toras Emes Kamenitz contributes to its ongoing story, shaping a legacy that transcends time.

The ‘Connected’ event was not just a celebration but a reaffirmation of Yeshiva Toras Emes Kamenitz’s role in the Jewish community. It highlighted the Yeshiva’s commitment to fostering relationships that extend beyond the classroom, impacting the lives of Talmidim and alumni long after they leave its halls. The ‘Connected’ event was more than just a gathering; it was a testament to the enduring legacy and the vibrant spirit of Yeshiva Toras Emes Kamenitz.


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