Pesha, is a single mother of 6 children, who lost both her sister and her father,
Rav Yisroel Landsman zt”l, to cancer.
Three years ago, Pesha was diagnosed with cancer. She had to stop all of her
work and has not been able to support herself, let alone contribute to her
children’s upbringing, nor does she receive any financial support. She
currently lives with her mother, an Almana of a very special Tzadik, Rav
Yisroel Landsman, who taught hundreds of talmidim with love, and hosted
thousands (!) of American Bochurim and Seminary girls as Shabbos guests in
Yerushalayim, until he passed away). After one year of treatment, she
suffered from complications leaving her in excruciating and debilitating
physical pain and with further complications.
She tries so hard to work, but due to her illness, her ability to work has been
impacted. She has nothing to provide for her newly engaged daughter.
The purpose of this campaign is to provide her with some much needed
funds, both to endure this difficult period and also to be able to help her
modestly celebrate her daughter’s wedding.
Please find in your heart to fulfill the many mitzvos here, including hachnossas
kallah, “V’chai Achicha Imach”, “V’ahavta L’reacha Kamocha”, etc. and
hakoras hatov to anyone who was privileged to experience a Shabbos at Rav
Yisroel Landsman’s house, this helps his daughter and granddaughter
This is a verified case and ma’aser monies can be used. Additionally, the
donation is a 501c3 tax deductible donation as well.
Yasher koach and in the zechus of your help, may your family be blessed with
health, parnassa tova, and nachas!