Mastermind Behind Upcoming Unity Concert Shares Heartfelt Letter

In the following letter, the mastermind and inspiration behind the upcoming “Symphony of the Stars” concert shares a heartfelt letter to the audience. In the stirring words below, the author lays out her vision for this concert and why she feels so strongly and passionately about the beauty of what it is intended to accomplish.

Addressing a broad audience, “dear Jewish brothers and sisters, Klal Yisrael,” the author shares her fervent dream that this unprecedented lineup of talented performers known to make Yidden happy the world over do the same–and more!–at this upcoming concert. And more importantly, that the event should bring about true achdus among our people.

With moving language, the letter below calls upon all Jews to demonstrate their pintele Yid that has come roaring to the forefront as of late. But this time, instead of being instigated by negative events, an evening like the upcoming “Symphony of the Stars” will fan the flames of that spark with music, with soul, with positive ruach, and with eyes lifted heavenward.

One thing becomes abundantly clear from the paragraphs below: this is more than just a concert. This will be a moment when, as the author puts it, “Emes . . . And the truth is, we are one. That is what we are, because we are chosen by the Aibershter, and He is one; so we must be too. . . We must become one again. Then we will be the purest, greatest vessels for Hashem’s most magnificent brachos.”

And so may it be. As the letter below concludes, “May a moment like this wipe away our tears and heal our broken hearts, bring us together and bring us to the Geulah Shleimah, B’Simcha U’vtuv Levav.


The Letter:

To my dear Jewish brothers and sisters, Klal Yisrael, may Hashem bentch you all!

You are all invited to an evening very close to my heart. This special and spectacular evening will benefit the globally beloved and life-changing work of United Hatzalah. It will honor the memories of Yair Ben Chaim Alexander and Chaya Rivka Bas Avraham Yitzchok. It is for the Zchus of a Refuah Shleima for Esther Bat Chaya Rivka.

This memorable evening is “A Symphony of Stars”, a star-studded musical event scheduled to take place on Motzai Shabbos, December 16, in only a few days.

And while a concert is always great, this evening is something far more than that. Please allow me to explain myself.

My dear Klal Yisrael, I know your glory, your lichtikeit and your hartzikeit. I know there is no one like you in the world, nor has there ever been. I know that you are beloved to your Tateh in Himmel and that He is beloved to you. I know that you are lucky to have each other! I know you are a people endowed with gifts of every kind, empowered by the Ribono Shel Olam with all kinds of tools to be His partners in creation. And I know that those tools and gifts shine brightest when you are united with each other and loving toward one another.

But this sterling truth about you shouldn’t need violent enemies, brutal atrocities or ugly Jew-hatred to become visible. The glory of Klal Yisrael is so much deeper, loftier and truer than all of that. Mi K’Amcha Yisrael!? We have no desire to be brought together by the hateful acts of our enemies when we can be brought together by the loving embrace of our dear Father in Heaven.

This is what prompted me to help organize this special evening in New York City, an evening designed to highlight and celebrate everything mentioned above. Bezras Hashem Yisborach, it will be an evening of pure Achdus, Simcha, Emunah, and above all, a Kiddush Hashem and a Kiddush Amo Yisroel.

The holy Baal Hatanya, Zatzal, wrote, “Words are the pen of the heart, and song is the pen of the Neshama.”

The greatness of Klal Yisrael is found in the light of their Neshamos. What better way, then, to evoke it and rejoice with it than through music and song? It is my intention and my prayerful hope that this evening will be one where Yidden will feel close to Hakadosh Baruch Hu and close to each other in a truly special way.

It is my deepest wish that the heartfelt singing of the Erliche, talented performers who will grace the stage will warm the hearts and minds of the audience and uplift them. That these men, who are Me’ached and Mesameach Yidden wherever they go, inspire the audience to maximize their own G-d-given gifts for the good of people and the good of Shomayim – that is my dream. That the audience, a Gebentchte assembly of Yirei Shomayim and Gomlei Chasodim, inspire the performers to pour out their hearts to the Ribono Shel Olam, pierce the Heavens and bring Nechama to their listeners – that is my dream.

And my greatest and most fervent wish? That by utilizing music to stir Neshamos, we can tease out that Pintele Yid in every one of us, that spark of Kedusha, the part of us where we are all one. It would bring out our unshakable bond with one another, remind us that we are family, burn down the barriers that separate us, and make us whole again.

I strive for truth. Emes is Emes and there is no other way. And the truth is – we are one. That is what we are, because we are chosen by the Aibershter, and He is one; so we must be too. That is Emes. We must become one again.

Then we will be the purest, greatest vessels for Hashem’s most magnificent Brachos, the kind of Brachos we are all Davening for. We will recognize how fortunate we are to be who we are: beloved children of our Tatteh in Himmel, bound to Him with Torah and Kedusha, and protected by Him at every turn.

May a moment like this wipe away our tears and heal our broken hearts, bring us together and bring us to the Geulah Shleimah, B’Simcha U’vtuv Levav.

With gratitude and humility,

Sheindy W.

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