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Day in day out, they keep the flame lit

Day in day out, they keep the flame lit 

From before dawn until way past dusk, they carry the torch with the flame of Torah burning bright with complete dedication oblivious to their surroundings.

The Adirei Torah Movement has also awakened the world to the true Respect a Yungerman and his family truly deserve.

Adireinu is giving people the opportunity to partner with the yungeleit and be an active participant in his learning, for just $1 a day. 

Since Yom Adir, the day that launched this initiative, thousands have already taken advantage of this unique opportunity. They understand it’s a timeless investment, with benefits in this world and the next. 

As Chanukah is here, we invite you to become part of Adireinu.

The yungeleit dedicate themselves to keeping the flame of Torah alive, conquering our world with light.  

Its time for you, too, to be a part of it. 

Join Adireinu.

Keep the fire burning.


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