Join the Effort: It is Cold Outside, the Soldiers at the Front Need Your Help

Cold and lack of warm equipment: the soldiers at the front are desperate


All of a sudden the cold hit us and hundreds of thousands of soldiers on the northern and southern fronts tell of suffering from the cold wave, the mud and the humidity. The members of the ‘Vaad Hatzdaka’ association, who make the effort to go out every day to the front areas to meet the soldiers, provide them with barbeque meals, say that senior commanders in the field, as well as the other soldiers, express a huge need for winter equipment.


In view of the pleas of the soldiers, Vaad Hatzdaka decided to get into action and help the soldiers in the field with warm equipment and winter clothing and are launching a dedicated campaign for winter clothing for the soldiers on the southern and northern fronts.

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These are tens of thousands of soldiers who have been serving in reserves away from their homes for about two months in a row and are in urgent need of thermally warm clothing.

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“This is the essential and urgent thing now to help us in the war effort against the murderers of Hamas and Hezbollah,” the soldiers say. “We are calling on you, our fellow Jews in the Diaspora, for urgent help for basic winter equipment that will ease their suffering!”


With your help, we can purchase warm clothing for the soldiers in all possible sizes:

Thermal clothing, thermal sleeping bags, thermal socks, thermal gaiters, thermal undershirts, thermal gloves that will be distributed in the field every day directly to the soldiers.

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This assistance is critical! If it’s warm at your home – make sure the soldiers are warm too!


You can donate for essential assistance here

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