A Shmoneh Esrei Themed Shul in Memphis

MyParochet, under the creative direction of Chana Gamliel Shul Judaica, specializes in crafting bespoke parochets that capture the unique spirit of each Shul. Rejecting the commonplace navy crushed velvet and cookie-cutter designs, MyParochet offers timeless elegance and chic styles that serve as a stunning focal point, reflecting the community’s essence and the cherished passages of its members.

Follow Chana’s captivating journey as she channels her creativity to bring to life an exceptional project designed for a special Shul.

The Inspired Customer: A Foundation for Creativity

This tremendous project starts with the inspired customer because an inspired blockbuster parochet always starts with an inspired customer.
Nationally acclaimed trial attorney, Josh Kahane, is a truly inspired individual and envisioned his entire shul with a Shmoneh Esrei theme. He had high goals for his shul and B”H, I think we surpassed them all.

Here is our initial spreadsheet with the passuk and theme for each shul item: We went all out with the symbolism and design details.

You’ll notice that each letter of the main passuk is made of a blend of 5-6 embroidery thread colors.

Densely embroidered Kotel stones, in different shapes and sizes, enhance the entire background.The right side features a long line of white pearls, as well as the Retzei bracha in small. A long rainbow of different shaped/colored/cut Swarovski crystals flow down the left side, as well as a long multicolored line of embroidery.
The line of pure white pearls symbolizes Hashem’s pure light, given to Klal Yisroel. 
The line of multicolored Swarovski crystals, projecting colorful rays in all directions, symbolizes the way that Klal Yisroel accepts Hashem’s pure light. Each Jew, with his own unique Avodas Hashem


You’ll also notice a few nature themes. Buds below turning into branches and leaves above. Growth through Torah.

And then there’s the wide selection of fabric colors and textures and embroidery styles enhancing the whole thing.Note how I also custom-designed and created the ribbons on the sides to match with the laser cut wavy lines on the shul furniture!Shmoneh Esrei Themed Shul: Torah Mantel

We also made an incredible design for the ‘Inner Aron’. When you open the Aron Kodesh, you see a glass-printed design, continuing the passuk from the paroches!!!

For the Torah mantels, we did:

  1. שים שלום
  2. טובה וברכה
  3. חן וחסד ורחמים

with symbols representing each family of donors!

Note the Beis HaMikdash with the Choshen, representing the Kahane family- a family of Kohanim!!!Enhancing Shuls Around the WorldWowwow!!!! Amazing!!!

Note the different styles and techniques employed such as printing on fabric, embroidering on leather, blending fabrics and textures, adding swarovski stones.

We aim to create a personalized style tailored to our customers’ wishes. 

From top to bottom, left to right: 
Majestic Yomim Noraim Parochet set in Toronto, Khal Toras Chesed Shul ‘Alta Yesodei’
Leather Chagim Torah Mantel 
Shema/Shofar Torah Mantel, on duty for Shiva homes in Israel – a donation for Zaka 
Tree Parochet set in Ohio, designed for The Beachwood Kehilla
Menorah Parochet set in Washington DC (collaboration with Israeli artist Yoram Raanan)Two stunning wing themed Torah mantels!Left: Navy blue leather mantel donated by the Kahane and Levy families in Memphis.
Right: Purple mantel representing a grandmother and 4 grandchildren.Moving story behind this torah mantel …This 98-year-old Holocaust survivor decided that the time had come!

It was Erev Rosh Hashana and she decided that she just had to dedicate a Sefer Torah in memory of her MANY relatives who had perished in the Holocaust. She needed a gorgeous Torah mantel to be ready asap! As in- for Erev Shabbos Bereishis.

I was knee-deep in fulfilling my Rosh Hashana orders and did not have a second free to create a new Torah mantel. But I suddenly remembered that I did have ONE extra Torah mantel lying around. If she likes it, I will add her dedication names in back.

So I called her and described the Torah mantel’s design. She confirmed. She then went on to write in her incredible scrawly, 98-year-old script, the names of all of her and her husband’s relatives who had perished. Hashem Yishmor- there were so many names!!!!

Instead of sending the finished product to her with a shipping company, like I normally do, I decided to take a few of my kids to Ramat Gan to meet this lady, a rare piece of history. They don’t know any Holocaust survivors. Mrs. Pollack cried when she saw the mantel and my children benefitted by meeting a living survivor. It was surreal!
 Masterpiece parochet set in MiamiTake note of all the intricate details and colors!
Gorgeous trio!

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