LAMDEINI is the premier organization helping boys learn Torah in Eretz Yisrael

The Torah and tefillah of our תינוקות של בית רבן have always been especially powerful. Every Mishnah that we learn with our child, every kapital Tehillim that we say with them, every sugya that they manage to understand has a profound impact on the world.

But not every young boy understands what he is learning, since rebbeim teach mishnah and gemara to a full class, where normally a third of the boys do well, a third manage and a third struggle. That means that a third of every class needs extra help to keep up and become lifelong learners.

Established for boys who simply need that extra boost in mishnah and gemara, LAMDEINI provides certified experts to work one-on-one with children using a special system developed by the founder and director of LAMDEINI, Rabbi Meir Oratz. 

LAMDEINI was instrumental in keeping boys on track with their learning during Covid and has become a mainstay of Jerusalem’s cheder education. 

Rav Yitzchak Berkovits, founding rav of LAMDEINI, noted rosh yeshiva, rosh kollel, and posek, is a strong supporter of LAMDEINI’s work in general and particularly how it is helping children during this war. Indeed, Rav Berkovits pointed out that, “when children aren’t focused on their learning, they don’t feel good about themselves. Today, the situation in Eretz Yisrael is such that children pick up on it. There is a need for real personal attention, someone who understands them, someone who is there to help them continue to excel in their learning, so they feel good about themselves and grow to be healthy, happy children.”

Rabbi Dovid Farber, LAMDEINI Tutor and a Rebbe at Talmud Torah Knesses Yehuda, sees his role as a certified LAMDEINI Tutor as going beyond teaching the material. “You have to really be in tune with the child. It’s a warm relationship; we are in tune with their needs, especially during wartime, giving them the tools that they need and empowering them to succeed.”

LAMDEINI’s goal is to give boys the skills that will make them confident independent learners. According to Rabbi Farber, LAMDEINI makes a huge difference, making students happy to have succeeded and empowering them to continue learning on their own. Because breaks in learning can be very detrimental, many LAMDEINI tutors continued to teach over the phone even while school was canceled due to rocket fire.

Rav Avraham Shalom Pinzel, the famous Menahel of Talmud Torah Chochmas Shlomo in the Sanhedria HaMurchevet neighbhorhood of Yerushalayim, has been working with LAMDEINI for several years. He sees its main advantage as the ability to pinpoint the challenge the student is experiencing and neutralize it. Rav Pinzel says, “children are assimilating difficult experiences which affect their mental health, and I see the importance of them having strong support via LAMDEINI.”

Help Klal Yisrael. 

Help LAMDEINI reach more boys with one-on-one LAMDEINI tutoring. 

In addition to the boys living in Yerushalayim and its surrounding areas, there are thousands of boys who have been displaced from their homes due to the war in Eretz Yisael and are currently going to cheider in Jerusalem. 

These boys need LAMDEINI and all of the emotional and learning support that a certified LAMDEINI Tutor offers each and every student. 

In addition to the boys living in Yerushalayim and its surrounding areas, there are thousands of boys who need LAMDEINI now more than ever. For instance, boys who were on top of what they were learning before are finding themselves floundering. They feel like the ground beneath them is shifting and they need a feeling of normalcy. The LAMDEINI organization is filling that need, especially for boys whose fathers are usually home more often but are now spending the bulk of their time in the Beis Midrash or in Gaza. 

There are also boys who have been displaced from their homes and are currently going to cheider in Jerusalem. These boys need LAMDEINI and all of the learning support that a certified LAMDEINI Tutor offers each and every student.

LAMDEINI is honored to have begun to provide services to displaced families due to the war in Eretz Yisrael – but is in dire need of additional funds in order to service all those parents and children who are calling asking for the assistance of LAMDEINI.  

By donating, you will help the boys of Eretz Yisrael. You will help Klal Yisrael from the ground up and be at the frontlines of building Torah in Eretz Yisrael. 

Countless boys are waiting to have access to a LAMDEINI Tutor whom they can talk to in learning, confide in, and grow with in the coming months and years ahead.

By donating, you can change a boy’s life for the better because he will grow to be confident and secure in his learning and his community.

Now is the time to fortify the Torah learning and emotional health of tinokos shel beis rabban, in the hopes that Hashem will hear their tefillos and bring peace to all of Am Yisrael. 

We don’t have time to wait because our boys need us now. Please donate today.

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