An awe-inspiring show of unity

Update from the Jerusalem Estates team

We are truly humbled by the incredible support that we’ve seen coming from all sectors of Am Yisrael. We were moved and inspired to see the strong connection that Jews have with the land of Israel, regardless of their countries of residence across the Diaspora.

We continue to see strong interest from prospective clients, with many requests from residents abroad hoping to solidify their connection to Israel and the Holy City. The prevailing emotions and sense of pride here in Israel make it clearer than ever that now is a time to strengthen our ties with Eretz Yisrael, our true birthright and our home for generations to come.

The handover of apartments continues in Buildings 10 and 11, HaChatzotzrot and HaKinor, while sales are progressing on the few remaining uber-luxurious apartments in Buildings 6 and 7, HaRimon and HaEtrog, on the eastern wall of the project.

The current situation has presented us with an array of challenges affecting different sectors of the economy, specifically the construction industry. Sourcing construction workers became problematic, but BS”D we were able to fill in for the shortage and carry on with the timetable as expected.

It’s been truly amazing to see the generosity of many of our dear clients who have opened up their homes in Jerusalem Estates to displaced refugees from the South. We have also been privileged to make our luxurious Bronze Guest Suites available to our brethren, our way of participating in the overwhelming outpouring of chesed of Am Yisrael.

If you would like the rewarding experience of acquiring everlasting history, contact our sales office at 718-564-6656, or visit


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