Urgent Tehilim Needed: The IDF Is Carrying Out an Operation in Al Shifa Hospital to Defeat Hamas and Get Our Hostages HOME

Our Gedolim have organized Tehilim For The Soldiers in Israel,

Who Are Fighting Bravely for Klal Yisroel.

Choose a 10-minute Tehillim slot from now until 10 PM.


In the wee hours of the night, as the Yidden in Eretz Yisroel are asleep, the soldiers are pounding the battlefield in Gaza.

It is the time of the most dangerous and perilous of the operations.

With tremendous mesiras nefesh, they battle with tanks and weapons, but they know where their true strength lies.

As the country is asleep, there is a shortage of tehillim and tefillah during these dangerous hours.

We, who live in America are awake between the hours of 6-10p.m.

It’s our turn to arm up.

It’s our achrayus to bolster their strength, to give chizuk our soldiers with our tefillos.

They feel the difference, they sense the strength of our words. And they have no one to ask, but us.

We’re not in Gaza but we can join this war – doing the most important job that only we can do.

Who can answer their call?


By joining Achim Betefillah you can choose a ten minute timeslot between the hours of 6-10 p.m.

By saying the specific perakim assigned to your time slot,you, together with Klal Yisroel will complete Sefer Tehillim hundreds of time seach night during these crucial hours.

This is not a calling, it’s a responsibility.

​Achim B’Tefillah

With Unity we will Succeed

Achim BTefillah is endorsed by many Gedolim and Rabonim across the spectrum


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