100th Anniversary – Agudah Siyum Seder Nashim and Community Wide Atzeres Tefillah Happening TONIGHT at 8pm

Tonight, Thursday, November 2nd ח”י חשון at 8:00 PM ET Lomdei HaDaf  Yomi across the globe will continue celebrating Siyum Seder Nashim in the 14th cycle of Daf Hayomi. Agudas Yisroel of America will continue to bring together Lomdei HaDaf their friends, and families for part two of a four-part series celebrating Siyum Seder Nashim, and the beginning of Seder Nizkin. This exciting and meaningful program will include an Atzeres Tefillah לרגל המצב בארצה”ק. The featured speaker of the night will be Rabbi Ephraim E. Shapiro, Rav, Congregation Shaaray Tefilah, North Miami Beach who will give a message of Chizuk and Hisorerus upon the 100th anniversary of Limud Daf Hayomi worldwide. It will take place at Kollel Jewish Learning Center, 5808 Beacon St, Pittsburgh, PA 15217.

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