Tuition relief begins with your vote. Vote for Avi Schnall Today.

Vote for Tuition Relief, Vote for Avi Schnall

Upon the request of the Lakewood Gedolim, Roshei Yeshiva, and Rabbanim, the UENJ PAC proudly endorses Avi Schnall for State Assembly. 

Avi Schnall is our best choice to champion the cause of tuition relief. He is not just a candidate but an advocate who represents our community and shares our mission. Avi’s dedication to our cause is unwavering, and his commitment to securing more private school funding is resolute. With Avi in office, we are confident that our community’s needs will be heard, and that we will see results.

“There’s no reason we aren’t getting more funding for our schools,” Avi shares. 

“It’s time for us to speak up, enough is enough.”

Now, it’s up to each and every one of us to heed the call of Daas Torah and seize this opportunity. We cannot afford to remain passive spectators. 

“Numbers make all the difference,” a UENJ PAC member explains. “If we unite to vote, we’ll send a message to Trenton that cannot be ignored.”

Tuition relief is not just a dream; it is within our reach. Let’s fight for it at the ballot box. 

Early voting is already open, and we urge you to go out and vote for Avi Schnall today. 

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