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A 10-year-old boy was face to face with a terrorist

Avichai*, and many, many of his friends and cousins woke up early on that fateful Simchas Torah, October 7, and couldn’t wait to go to Shul with their fathers and dance with the torah with thrill and joy.

BUT, instead of accompanying their fathers, they were separated from them forever, in the most brutal way beyond imagination!

 Avichai’s innocent eyes witnessed the most horrific sights the world has seen ever since the holocaust. Worst of all, he saw them happening to the very dearest people in his life. Both his parents, elderly grandmother, and adorable baby sister.

Avichai’s life was spared, but NOT YET SAVED! He faces severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder that can literally ruin him forever. So are many hundreds of his friends.

WE CANNOT LET HAMAS DESTROY THESE CHILDREN’S LIVES! We are going to provide them with the therapy they critically need, and step in instead of his murdered parents to ensure his future life ahead!

Yes! We can actively stop Hamas’s animalistic cruelty from further damaging the victimized children forever.

*Fictive name to ensure privacy. It is also the story of hundreds of children who share the same fate


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