American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B’Ezri: Always in Action, Getting Done What’s Needed on the Frontlines

Yad Eliezer/B’Ezri, known as a credible and foremost support organization for Yesomim and Almanos in Eretz Yisrael, is getting what’s needed done in houses, groceries and on the ground of Israel.

They have taken the lead in supporting

-Existing families under their care

-New families coming under their care, due to a parent/parents being killed or taken hostage

-Families displaced in the south and the north

Here are some updates from the organization as they work toward helping as many people as they can at this time.

Sunday 10/15:

-Today we ordered thousands of diapers + wipes, diaper paste, and baby food for families from Sderot who are displaced to Yerushalayim.

-We also filled a list of requests from them and delivered it to their hosts.

Glue, scotch tape, paper, markers, crayons, paint, bows, crape paper, string, arts and crafts

Underwear for women, children of all ages, and men.

-This is the final winter jacket and hydration pack delivery.

Monday 10/16:

-We are working on taking care of the laundry for 400 Sderot families (2000 people) staying in hotels in Yerushalayim.

There is a shortage of workers. So, we got three neighborhoods to take it on. Hundreds of women doing laundry!

They are dropping off 100 bags now in one neighborhood

-One of our programs is to support grushos and agunos. We are now sending 1000 shekel each to 189 gerushot and agunot in Ashkelon, Netivot, Ofakim and other cities in the south. In Yossi Adler (Israeli director’s words) these families, at the best of times, face extreme difficulty and often dysfunction. Imagine what it must be like for them to be locked down into their homes or shelters without funds for the basics!

-Also working on volunteers for babysitting and other requests coming in from displaced families.

We are going to have many more requests. They are also evacuating many families from the north now. Most being put up in Yerushalayim and Tel Aviv.

A letter of thanks from a grateful recipient of games, toys and book distribution in Ofakim.

You can see details of it here

מוכרחה לשתף. באמת חשבתי למי צריך לומר תודה. אנחנו גרים באופקים, וביום חמישי בלילה- שישי עברתי רגעים לא קלים. כל המכרים שלנו אמרו לי שאני חייבת להתאוורר ולצאת מאופקים קצת, אבל זה לא התאפשר במציאות. וחשבתי איך אני יוצאת מזה ומכניסה שבת בשמחה וברוגע עם 5 ילדות מתוקות שלא נותנות לי שניה מנוחה. עשיתי מה שעשיתי והצלחתי איכשהו להניע את הבית לקראת שבת, ואז הגיעה ההודעה על החלוקה של המשחקים. כל כך שימח אותי שיהיה משהו שישמח את הילדות שנשארו פה כמעט לבד. המון חברות שלהן עזבו את העיר. זה פשוט עשה לנו את השבת. המסר שרציתי להעביר הוא שתדעו כמה ששימחתם בדברים האלו הרבה יותר מהשווי הכספי שלהם (שהוא גם המון להערכתי). אני חושבת שאם היו מביאים לי 500 ש”ח לקנות מה שאני רוצה, זה לא היה משמח כמו הערכה הזאת שהגיעה לקראת שבת ברגע הכי הכי נכון!!! תודה ושוב תודה. מה שאמרתי כאן זה מעט, אין לי אפשרות להביע במילים את ההערכה הרבה שאני רוכשת לכל השותפים לדבר. אשריכם ישראל!!!


I must share. I really thought about who should be thanked. We live in Ofakim, and on Thursday night/Friday I went through very difficult moments. All my friends told me that I should leave Ofakim for Shabbat, but I didn’t have where to go. I kept thinking- how will I get out of this frame of mind and enter Shabbat happily and calmly with 5 sweet girls who don’t give me a second’s rest.

I did what I did and somehow managed to get the house going for Shabbos, and then the announcement came about the distribution of the games and toys from B’Ezri. It made me so happy that there would be something that would make the girls who were left here, almost alone, happy. A lot of their friends left the city. It made our Shabbat! The message I wanted to convey is that we enjoyed these things much more than their monetary value (which is also a lot in my estimation). I think that if they brought me 500 NIS to buy what I want, it would not be as gratifying as this kit that arrived for Shabbat at the most perfect moment!!! Thank you and thank you again. What I have said here is just a little, I cannot express in words the great appreciation I have for all my partners. Blessed are you Klal Yisroell!!!

While we do not know what will be needed in the coming months, the American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B’ezri is working to give support to those that need it today.

This is an organization you can trust with your donation.

Your assistance is vital.

Every dollar sent gets spent on a real need. There are hundreds of people begging for assistance.

Please donate here.

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