The Stories Are Beginning to Pour Into Yad Eliezer/B’Ezri Lines, The Cries are Desperate

The “R” family, whose father sat and learned, a baal teshuva with no family support. They have a 25 year old special needs child. He was shot in the face on his way to shul, and they did not know what happened to him until midnight. For two days they could not locate his body, and finally his son was sent to identify him. The levaya was horrific, and took place on Monday night.

The “P” family. A father of five children, he was a professional soldier. He was called up on Simchas Torah morning, and was killed on his way out of Ofakim. His oldest is only 15 years old.

The “C” family. The father was 25 years old, and a volunteer in MADA. Killed on his way to his post, leaving two tiny children behind.

We don’t know what will be with their future. We don’t know who will support them.

But in their immediate time of need, it’s the American Friends of Yad Eliezer- B’Ezri they turn to.

Please, if you can, help us give them what they need right now.

We turn to our American friends in these times of great need.

You can send a donation to these families here.

With every care package sent, this note accompanies it.

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