Join Tens of Thousands in Being Mekabel Shabbos Candles Early This Week in the Zchus of Our Brothers & Sisters In E”Y

אמר רב יהודה א”ר אלמלי שמרו ישראל שבת ראשונה כהלכתה לא שלטה בהם וכו’ אמר רשב”י אלמלי משמרים ישראל שתי שבתות מיד נגאלין

We don’t have to tell you about the situation.

Of course, you are following and waiting, seeking and jumping to offer your help.

​Bonei Olam’s V’zakeini is an army over 50,000 yidden strong.

We are a tefilah battalion: the largest tefillah group in the world.

From amongst all of Am Yisrael, we daven and pay for IVF treatments for couples who face the pain and challenge of infertility every Erev Shabbos.

​This Shabbos, Shabbos Beraishis we are doing more.

More candles, more Shabbos, more protection and more life.​

Given our numbers and the miracles we have seen born through your efforts, we feel a responsibility to reach out to you.

We ask you to join us to strengthen our merits as Am Yisrael to protect our bothers and sisters in danger.


Shabbos is when we literally bring light into the darkness.

We humbly ask that this Shabbos you join us and be mekabel Shabbos 10 minutes early.

To bring more light into the world

To bring more protection into the world

To bring more peace into the world.

From amongst all of Am Yisrael, we continue to daven and pay for treatments for couples who face the pain and challenge of infertility.


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