The Situation is Urgent! The Emergency Fund for Helping the Families and the Soldiers

Together we’ll be victorious! The emergency fund for helping the soldiers and the families in southern Israel

Thousands of families have reached a state of hunger after losing everything in one moment The system crashed under the unprecedented overloadIn the meantime, they’re hungry and are lacking clothing Many have lost their source of income due to the situation Kupat Ha’ir has established a special fund to assist soldiers and families  • Together we’ll be victorious!

The “Iron Swords” war which attacked Am Yisrael on Shabbos morning, Simchas Torah, took and continues to take a terrible price. The slaughter and the catastrophe are seared deep into our consciousness these days, compounded by the memories we have borne with us throughout the generations.

But this doesn’t mean that in the meantime we sit on the side with hands folded. The opposite is true- each one of us is obligated to participate, to join and assist. It’s impossible to just stand by while so many families are being evacuated, panic-stricken, from their homes. Some have fled and lost part of their family on the way, r”l.

We cannot stand aside and do nothing…

Now is the time to take the initiative and offer assistance! In this current chapter of our history, each and every one of us can be a participant.

It’s for this purpose that Kupat Ha’ir’s emergency fund was established- a special fund intended for the residents of the South and the precious soldiers of Tzaha”l who are risking their lives for all of us.

By contributing to this fund you become a partner in supporting families in the most difficult hours of their lives, allowing them to subsist and survive until the situation calms down and the relevant authorities are able to give them the compensation they deserve. You’re throwing them a lifesaver which will allow them to hang on until the rescue helicopters save them and bring them to a safe haven.

For assisting the soldiers and the residents of the South click here>>>

Assistance to the families will be distributed according to lists which have been prepared by local tzedakah organizations of the cities and towns in the South. The local organizations are not able to keep up with the present overwhelming numbers of requests for help, and were compelled to turn to Kupat Ha’ir, which has accompanied and supported them during ordinary times- how much more so during times of emergency.

Donations to the soldiers will be used to supply them with the means to fight and to defend themselves, as well as with religious objects which are lacking in those areas, such as kippahs, tzitzis, tefillin, siddurim, books of Tehillim, items for making kiddush and havdalah on Shabbos and motzai Shabbos and more.

Hundreds of warm-hearted Jews have already participated by contributing financially- now’s the time to join them and to take part in this vital project.

And as it’s been written- ‘Tzedakah saves from death’; there’s no time that we’ve needed this promise so badly as during these days, when “outside the sword bereaves and in the inner rooms is terror.”

For assisting the soldiers and the residents of the South click here>>>






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