Cherry Hill Yeshiva Celebrates Chanukas Habayis

The Rosh Hayeshiva – Harav Shimon Max Shlita delivering divrei bracha at the event

Uniting Rebbeim, Talmidim, Alumni, and Community

On Sunday, September 8th, Foxman Torah Institute (FTI) marked the beginning of a new era, with hundreds gathering to inaugurate the new Phase 1 FTI Yeshiva Building, a 10,000 sq. ft. residential building.

In a remarkable display of kiddush sheim shomayim and unity, the Torah community of Cherry Hill came together as Rebbeim, Talmidim and Parents, Alumni, and community members gathered to take part in an unforgettable Chanukas Habayis that left everyone inspired and energized. 

The yeshiva was established over 20 years ago, and consists of a mesivta and beis medrash, with almost 100 talmidim enrolled this year, its largest crowd ever. Talmidim in the high school and beis medrash come not only from the local community, but also from cities around the region and country. 

The Rosh Hayeshiva Harav Yisroel Davidowitz Shlita- delivering divrei bracha at the event

Its alumni have gone on to become Rebbeim, professionals, and businessmen, and many have begun to settle in Cherry Hill to remain close to the Yeshiva and their Rebbeim. FTI has also transformed the Cherry Hill community into a serious makom Torah, attracting many new families, and recently more mosdos haTorah, to the area. 

FTI is well known among mechanchim as having very talented and dedicated Rebbeim who really understand chinuch and today’s talmidim. Despite the significant growth the yeshiva has enjoyed, the hallmark of FTI remains the close connection between Rebbe and talmid; this element contributes greatly to the uniqueness and flavor of the yeshiva. 

Rebbeim have a sincere interest in the development of each talmid, and really respect and connect to each talmid. The talmidim feel it, appreciate it, and respond beautifully. In a complex and challenging chinuch world, the combination of spirited Torah learning, and a Torah-infused, serious, yet enjoyable atmosphere, provides a unique total chinuch experience.

The Menahel Harav Chanaya Kramer Shlita being Kovea the first Mezuzah

After hearing divrei bracha, hoda’ah le’Hashem for all the nissim involved in the building process,  and divrei hisorirus and chizuk from the Roshei Yeshiva, everyone excitedly gathered around for the ribbon cutting, followed by hanging of the first mezuza. R’ Joey Newcomb then led the oilam in spirited song and music prompting, the highlight of the day for many, the talmidim dancing with their Rebbeim with incredible simcha over their new makom Torah.

As the event drew to a close, the sense of unity and pride in the Yeshiva was palpable. It was more than just a Chanukas Habayis; it was a celebration of the Torah that had previously been learned together in the yeshiva, as well as the future Torah learning that will be enabled in this building IMY”H. The celebration may have ended, but if anyone were to walk through the halls of yeshiva and witness the remarkable growth and development happening among each and every Talmid, it would serve as an undeniable testament to the need for continued expansion and investment in FTI. 

B”H, the next phase has already begun, which will add another 37,000 sq ft, and house a new beis medrash, dining room, gym, classrooms, offices, student recreation areas, and more.To see a video recap of the event or for dedication opportunities for the next phase, please scan the qr code below, or reach out to Rabbi Yisrael Davidowitz at [email protected] or Rabbi Yoel Max at [email protected] 

The Rosh Hayeshiva Harav Chaim Juni Shlita dancing with Reb Shlomo levy

Rabbeim and Talmidim Dancing with leibadik Music led by Reb Joey Newcomb

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