Your Role As A Parent Changes After You Marry Them Off. Here’s How to Navigate It.

Dina Friedman Invites You to Join a Revolutionary New Course for Women

The Topic? Creating and Maintaining a Harmonious Relationship with Your Married Children.

How Your Role Changes As A Parent After You Marry Them Off

Generations in Harmony is a revolutionary new course for women, led by Dina Friedman.

The topic? Creating and maintaining a harmonious relationship with your married children. 

What was the inspiration behind creating a program like this?

When I married off my first child 11 years ago, I vividly remember feeling apprehensive and uncertain. My top priority was to maintain a loving relationship with both my child and my new child-in-law, but I lacked the knowledge and confidence to navigate this new chapter successfully. I had witnessed many instances where married children were disturbed by their parents’ meddling and it was causing harm, and I was determined to avoid that outcome. The challenge was distinguishing between what was considered mixing in and genuine helpfulness. Was offering assistance perceived as interference, or was it seen as support? Was saying “no” when I genuinely couldn’t help considered rejection or an acknowledgment of my current limitations? As a life coach, I’ve encountered cases where both parents and married children were upset with each other, yet neither side knew how to resolve the issues. It became evident to me that there was a real need for a step-by-step guide to help parents and married children comprehend the changes that occur when a child leaves home for marriage. They needed insights into the common problems both sides encounter and reliable solutions. What if parents and children had the knowledge to prevent many of these problems from arising in the first place? This is a program I wished I had access to, both for myself and for my children.

What are the topics covered?


Understand your new role as a parent of married children and discover how to support your child’s journey into complete independence.

“This program has been transformative for me, lifting the emotional weight that accompanied my relationship with my married children. It provided a comprehensive guide to navigating these dynamic shifts, freeing me from the burden of excessive responsibility and guilt. As a result, I am so much more openhearted towards my children, and they are responding in kind!

As a child speaking: From the perspective of a young married, I must admit that prior to taking this course, I often harbored judgment towards my parents and in-laws. I resented them for not providing what I needed. I now recognize that my parents and in-laws are just human and are limited. I let go of my unrealistic expectation of them being the solution to my problems- and was rewarded with a newfound level of love and connection!


The program covers critical conversations to have with your child, to set them up for success after marriage. These discussions ensure that your child is well-prepared for any situation, without the constant need for parental intervention. Topics include relationship guidance, gender roles, financial matters, pregnancy, and intimacy.

“As a parent, I recently guided my son before his marriage using the invaluable advice on this program. It enabled me to have meaningful conversations with him before his wedding and then I could let him lead his own life without my constant involvement.

This transition was challenging for me emotionally with my other married children, but this time I was equipped with the tools to navigate it successfully. I now enjoy newfound calm and peace.” 

Learn to distinguish which issues belong to the parent and which to the child, along with guidelines for when it’s appropriate to intervene and when not to. Discover effective ways to communicate these boundaries and maintain authenticity in your interactions with your children.

“I used to spoil my newly-married children, but this generosity led to a sense of entitlement and resentment. From the program, I learned to identify my boundaries and communicate them effectively. Now, every gesture towards them is genuine, and I no longer feel pressured to accommodate their every request. This authenticity has fostered an open and loving relationship.”


Dina teaches you how to establish policies for what you can give within your financial resources and physical capabilities. This enables you to give freely without resentment while upholding your truth and ensuring fairness between couples.

“Before this program, saying no was a challenge, even when necessary. Now, when I say yes, it’s wholehearted, and if I need to decline, I do so without harming our relationship. I recently had to tell my son that we couldn’t include his family in our vacation plans. Thanks to effective communication, it went smoothly and didn’t harm our relationship.”


Ruptures are a natural part of close relationships. This program empowers you to recognize when repair is possible and how to successfully mend the relationship. It also helps you identify red flag situations, offering resources for addressing them within marriage or within the parent-child relationship.

“I joined this program to improve my relationship with my married child. It proved invaluable as I navigated a complicated situation that strained our family bonds. The program provided clarity regarding what I could change and what I had to accept, and how to find inner peace and serenity even in situations beyond my control.”

Who would benefit most from this course?

This course is designed for mothers marrying off their children who are invested in the successful transition of the couple into marriage and beyond. It’s also essential for young married women who want to maintain open and harmonious relationships with their parents and in-laws while nurturing their own healthy marital relationship. 

What can participants expect to gain from completing the course?

Generations in Harmony equips both parents and young marrieds with invaluable information and tools to create harmonious bonds within the family. 


To sign up and for more information, please visit or call 718.285.3970.

DON’T MISS OUT! The program begins on October 25th.

You can also join for our free introductory class on October 16th, and receive a discount on the program.

*Stories are true accounts of participants of the program. 

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