The Statistics We’d All Rather Not Know

The average age a child gets his first smartphone is 9. 

Most children are first exposed to explicit content by age 12. 

By adulthood, 91.5% of men frequent inappropriate sites.

You might think our community is immune, but in the past 90 days alone, 11,793 frum Jews signed up to GuardYourEyes looking for help.

Click below to learn more:

When a man is stuck in this, his shalom bayis is 2x more likely to unravel, his marriage is 2x as likely to end in divorce.

Once hooked, the desire becomes more frequent, extreme, and out of control.

And you can’t filter an addiction.

Asking for help feels impossible. They want to stop; they’ve tried to stop. They can’t do it alone.

But there’s hope.

Guard Your Eyes provides frum Jews with the very best tools and treatment, based on cutting-edge neuroscience, endorsed by leading therapists and rabbanim.

With the support of GYE…

  • 1000’s of marriages have been saved

  • 90% of members report improvement

  • 48% of members report they reached 90+ days clean

Over the last decade, GYE has helped over 50,000 Jews.

Yet, as we approach 900 new signups per week, we know there are countless more who struggle.

We’re asking for your help to double our reach in the next 12 months – helping another 50,000 Jews break free.

Give every Jew the chance to press “reset”

The need is urgent. Donate today.

GuardYourEyes receives countless cries for help every day, like these:

  • I’m here because I can’t continue to live a double life. During the day I learn Torah, but at night I can’t resist watching untznius videos. I cry and beat myself up to no end. I apologize to Hashem. I even fast. I try never to be alone with the computer. But nothing works.

  • I am a respected mechanech and marriage counselor. I’ve helped countless bachurim and couples deal with their own problems in this area. And yet I myself have lost my self-control. If you knew who I am, you would weep. I can’t tolerate it any longer.  Can I be helped without blowing my secret?

  • I’ve always looked up to my father. I recently saw his internet browsing history by accident, and since then I can’t fall asleep… I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.

GuardYourEyes has pulled thousands out of the abyss through our free programs and anonymous support — but countless more still need our help. 

With the recent launch of the GYE 2.0 website, we are more equipped to tackle this problem than ever before. Over the next 5 years, our goal is to ensure that every single Jew who wants to break free will get the help and support they need. 

But we can’t do it without YOU.

Once a year, during the High-Holiday season, we ask you to make a life-changing donation — and to consider that GYE isn’t just “another” organization but rather the bedrock of the foundation of Klal Yisrael. 

Help us build and strengthen this foundation until Moshiach comes. For ourselves and for our children.

Donate Online

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