SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE: Yom Tov Reading with ArtScroll!

This Yom Tov season, ArtScroll/Mesorah Publications has all the books you need for your reading pleasure and inspiration.

Here is a look at some of the new volumes that you’ll want to get your hands on:

The Ribnitzer

The Ribnitzer Rebbe was a tzaddik. A ba’al mofes, a miracle worker. In time, he became a living legend, the address for thousands seeking berachos, first in Russia, then in Eretz Yisrael and finally in America.

His intense avodah included fasting, hours and hours of profound tefillah, and immersion in in the holy waters of the mikveh.  Despite the Nazis.  Despite the KGB. Despite the desperate cold of a Russian winter: Reb Chaim Zanvil, the Ribnitzer Rebbe, would find a way to serve Hashem and to take care of His People.

The Soul of Kaddish

Saying Kaddish for a loved one. It is one of the most well-observed Jewish traditions. However, its cryptic language often makes this sacred and hallowed prayer feel unrelatable. This powerful and inspiring book changes that. Bestselling author Rabbi Yechiel Spero uses classic Torah sources, insights, and — of course — stories to explore the essence and, indeed, the soul of Kaddish.

In The Soul of Kaddish, you will find chizuk, hope and encouragement in the words of Kaddish. There are chapters on doing teshuvah, loss and bereavement, comfort and consolation, and Mashiach and techiyas hameisim.

In times of challenge and growth, this book will transform you.

The Elucidated Rashi on Chumash

You’ve learned Chumash with Rashi, and the more you learned, the more you marveled at its brilliance. At both the depth of his work and its simplicity. This new series will take you to a whole new level of understanding of the foremost commentary on Chumash.

The Elucidated Rashi on Chumash features:

  • An expanded translation and elucidation, written in a contemporary, readable style, and drawing upon the major commentaries on Rashi.
  • A short introduction to each Rashi, providing a preview of the topic.
  • Notes discussing “What’s bothering Rashi?”
  • Insights containing in-depth analysis of Rashi’s words.
  • Explanations of underlying concepts and deeper looks into those places where the commentators disagree with Rashi.

The Elucidated Rashi belongs in every Torah home. Regardless of your level of knowledge or scholarship, The Elucidated Rashi will enhance your understanding of the foundational Chumash commentary.

First in the 10-volume series: Parashas Bereishis-Toldos

Kedushas Levi

One the greatest Chassidic classics on the Torah, Kedushas Levi, is finally available in a translated and elucidated edition.

Rav Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev is renowned as the defender and lover of the Jewish people,

but he was so much more. He was a brilliant Torah scholar, one of the earliest founding Chassidic masters, and the author of a major commentary on the Torah. 

Kedushas Levi has been treasured and studied for more than two centuries. Now, this magnificent edition brings Kedushas Levi to English readers in all its grandeur.

Complete in three volumes: Bereishis, Shemos, and Vayikra-Bamidbar-Devarim

Around the Year with Reb Meilech

Have you ever wished you could be there, when Rav Elimelech Biderman – “Reb Meilech” – gives over his Torah wisdom, his unforgettable stories, his unflagging energy to serve Hashem, his exuberant simchah at being a member of His People?

Now you can.

Bestselling author Yisroel Besser offers us a place of honor at Reb Meilech’s shiurim. Here are his divrei Torah, stories, and, of course, his incomparable chizuk – for every month of the Jewish calendar. Unique descriptions of Reb Meilech, as he energizes and elevates the thousands who come to see and hear him, let us actually feel the excitement and passion that characterizes his every word.

Open this book and prepare to be transported to a shul in Yerushalayim, a beis medrash in Bnei Brak, or alongside a blazing bonfire in Meron — surrounded by the wondrous joy of  Reb Meilech’s world.

Rays of Hope

Rabbi Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginzberg, a beloved rav in Cedarhurst, has a genius for weaving together personal stories, Torah hashkafahchizuk, communal issues, and, yes, gentle and spot-on mussar.

In this collection of his writings on many different topics, he takes us “up close and personal” with memories of his own nisyonos — including his terrifying bout with Covid, when the doctors felt there was no hope left for him; as well as the losses of his beloved daughter Sarala and his oldest grandson. Rabbi Ginzberg’s courageous and uplifting responses to these losses — which include his founding of the well-known Ohel Sarala global initiative — as well as other individual and communal issues, give us chizuk and meaning to the challenges we all face. 

Living Emunah 7 

The Living Emunah series has changed tens of thousands of lives – for the better – as they make emunah a central part of their lives.

  • A man faces a $200,000 surgery – that unexpectedly costs nothing!
  • A woman takes care of an orphan, who repays his debt to her four decades later.
  •  A problem finding a parking space brings a six-year search for someone to an end.

The newest in the series, Living Emunah 7, discusses topics like reward and punishment, tefillah, the importance of shalom, hashgachah pratis and much more – all examined through the prism of emunah. And, of course, there are so many stories to engage and inspire us, as we see Hashem’s Hand, the care and compassion He has for us, and His Presence in every part of our lives.

The Art of Being You

Renowned Torah educator and bestselling writer Rabbi David Sutton joins with noted therapist Dr. David Katzenstein, DSW, LCSW-R, to give us a book designed to help change our lives for the better.

The Art of Being You gently guides us on a journey to:
• Embrace healthy emotional processing instead of avoiding it.
• Unlock the secrets of emotional wellness and inner peace.
• Find comfort in discomfort, fostering growth through challenges.
• Cultivate patience and understanding towards others and ourselves.
• Harness the power of faith and reliance on G-d during trying times.

Drawing from true stories, Torah insights from gedolim, professional therapeutic guidance, engaging black and white illustrations, and daily exercises tailored to be practical, accessible, and relatable, The Art of Being You is a guide that leads us towards a contented, satisfying, and more meaningful life.

Days of Reflection, Days of Joy

Rabbi Yaakov Feitman, a beloved rav and author, shares his wise, discerning and often witty perspectives on Chodesh Elul, the Yamim Noraim, and Succos. These thought-provoking insights are conveniently arranged for daily reading.

Rabbi Feitman has a gift for making profound ideas relatable and practical. He weaves together stories and insights from across the spectrum of our gedolim to give us a deeper appreciation of the holy days and the unique nature and power of each one. Each essay is summarized in a practical takeaway that can help readers make the most of this meaningful time of year.

Days of Reflection, Days of Joy is a book that will enrich these “days of reflection and joy” – and our lives throughout the year.

Living Higher

A farmer, a lawsuit, a shekel coin … and an amazing story of emunas chachamim.

Could he really make a person become a baal teshuvah … in the space of two minutes?

A nasty airline agent, a messed-up flight – and a mother’s tears. Yes, the impossible sometimes happens.

There are some people who can’t live “same old, same old” lives. People not satisfied with mediocrity, who seek growth and are not afraid of challenge.

People who want to “live higher.”

Rabbi Binyomin Pruzansky knows all about those kinds of people, and he knows the stories they tell. In Living Higherhe’ll tell you about the barber who brought an angry young man back to Torah observance – with a shaver. The terror victim, still suffering from his wounds, limping towards the shul’s menorah to light a candle of defiance and faith. Stories of hashgachahemunah, and transcendence. Stories that show how people can live higher. Stories that inspire us to live higher as well.

What a Story! – For Children

Kids love amazing stories. Here are twenty of them. Told by a great storyteller!

·         Ovadiah was being bullied by other kids. Want to read how someone helped him deal with the bullies … and helped him become one of the greatest rabbis of his generation?!

·         Are you curious to learn about how a person did an enormous chesed … with a few pairs of socks?!

·         Do you believe a child’s dream can change the world? This boy’s dream … did!

Wouldn’t it be great to read a fantastic story that also shows you how to become a happier and better person? Do you wish you could be surprised, excited, and have some just-plain-fun reading? No problem – simply open the pages of this book, by the famous and beloved storyteller, Rabbi Yechiel Spero. Enjoy the terrific stories and beautiful pictures. And get ready to shout, “What a story!” when you finish reading each and every one of these twenty unforgettable tales.

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