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Increase your merits during these days and go into Yom Kippur with an advocate!

The segulah initiated by Maran Sar HaTorah Rabbeinu HGR’ Chaim Kanievsky zt”l continues also after his passing* His talmidim and close family members convened a moshav beis din together with the gedolei haposkim and decided unanimously that this special segulah is effective for good health, protection from illnesses, and for those awaiting their shidduch* Hundreds have already participated and received the certificate signed by the Gedolei Torah


The diseases, the painful illnesses, and the suffering experienced by those around us are not hidden from us. With the advent of the new year, the main ambition of each one of us is a simple one- that we will be healthy; we and our spouses and our parents and of course our children.

The deepest concern of every parent for his children, for every child for his parents, and for each person for himself Maran Sar HaTorah Rabbeinu HGR’ Chaim Kanievsky zt”l sought to cancel. For this purpose, he instituted the special segulah he received from his father, Rabbeinu the holy Steipler Gaon zt”l.

This segulah is called ‘V’hasirosi’ and its purpose is to protect those who contribute a significantly generous sum to tzedakah, which shields them from illnesses and diseases.

In recent days the Rabbanim of the ‘V’hasirosi Machala MiKirbecha’ fund, who were appointed to the task by Maran Sar HaTorah zt”l during his lifetime, the geonim HGR’ Yitzchak Ziberstein, HGR’ Shimon Galai, HGR’ Moshe Shaul Klein, HGR’ Shmuel Eliezer Stern, Maran Sar HaTorah‘s son-in-law HGR’ Yizchak Kolodetsky and Maran Sar HaTorah’s son HGR’ Yitzchak Shaul Kanievsky shlit”a convened.

The Rabbanim of the fund publicized a special ‘call to action’ in which they warmly recommend: “Whoever is a wise person will take this advocate for himself – a donation to the ‘V’hasirosi’ fund, for the reality is clear and proven that all who donate for the unwell- there will be no unwell people in his household!”

To receive the brocha of “there will be no unwell people in his household” click here>>>

The Rabbanim add a special chiddush– novel concept, as well as a new and interesting halachic decision: “Those who are awaiting their shidduch, which is considered as ‘part of his body’, [without which he is incomplete] are also included in the same category as the unwell, and are included in the brocha and the decree of Rabbeinu zt”l that “there will be no unwell people in his household.”

The Rabbanim have determined that each erev Rosh Chodesh a special Kupat Ha’ir representative will visit the kever of Maran Sar HaTorah Rabbeinu HGR’ Chaim Kanievsky zt”l to daven that also this upcoming month the brocha and decree of Maran Sar HaTorah zt”l that none of the donors should become unwell ch”v, nor should there be unwell people in their household, as Maran zt”l was accustomed to daven himself during his lifetime every erev Rosh Chodesh.

They have also made the out-of- the-ordinary decision that “The Rabbinic Board of the ‘V’hasirosi’ Fund appoints Amud HaTefillah Maran HGR’ Shimon Galai shlit”a to convene, on every erev Rosh Chodesh, a moshav beis din of Gedolei Yisrael and the Rabbanim of the ‘V’hasirosi’ Fund to daven, as was the custom of Rabbeinu zt”l, that also in this upcoming month each person who donates to the fund for the unwell- middah k’negged middah there should be no unwell people in his household.”

As an additional brocha and shmira, the Rabbanim shlit”a obligate themselves that “We accept upon ourselves bli neder to every few days add on to the Birkas HaMazon a special tefillah for donors to the ‘V’hasirosi’ Fund- ‘The Compassionate One, He should bless the donors to the ‘V’hasirosi Machala MiKirbecha’ fund of Kupat Ha’ir- the decree and the brocha of Rabbeinu HaGadol Shmaryahu Yosef Chaim ben R’ Ya’akov Yisrael Kanievsky zy”a , that each person who contributes to the unwell- there will be no unwell people in his household’- should be fulfilled in him.”

In conclusion, the Rabbanim decided that “all regular donors to the ‘V’hasirosi’ Fund will receive a special certificate with the writing and signature of Rabbeinu HGR’ C. Kanievsky zt”l, and with the details of the tefillos that will be davened on their behalf bs”d each and every month, as a sign and a verification.”

Several hundred have already signed up- this is the time to take the step and to join them, to contribute a ‘significantly generous sum’ and to merit the ‘V’hasirosi’ Certificate signed by Maranan v’Rabbanan the gedolei haposkim and the family members of Maran Sar HaTorah Rabbeinu HGR’ Chaim Kanievsky.

To receive the brocha of “there will be no unwell people in his household” click here>>>




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