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I’m Leiby and I want to live!

I’m Leiby and I want to live!cause


Aryeh Leib’s life is hanging in the balance


“Mi Yichye Umi maves” – on Rosh Hashana, we beg to be chosen for life. This year, I will choke out these words with an extra level of terror and desperation as I plead for my precious son to be chosen for life.


Aryeh Leib was only sent down to this world 15 weeks ago. Born with a rare form of cancer, his life hangs in the balance as he struggles through grueling treatments. He’s a little fighter, my Aryeh, but it’s impossible to describe my anguish as I watch his terrible suffering. For a child’s triumph is his mother’s triumph and his pain is his mothers’ pain. 


This year, instead of baking honey cookies and round challos, I sit at my son’s bedside in the oncology department, sobbing over my tehilim. Instead of getting ready to open my house to guests for the Yomtov, I am displaced, I’m at the hospital. Instead of going to shul to daven and hear the piercing sound of the shofar, I’ll hear the weak sound of my son’s heartbeat on the monitor.


The doctors tell me I’m amazing. That I’m a true example of emunah and bitachon, that I’m courageous and strong and don’t give up. But right now, I don’t feel that way. I’m at the end of my rope, I feel weak and on the verge of giving up the battle.


I turn to you, my dear Jewish brothers, to support me at this crucial time. On Rosh Hashana as we daven for a new year of health and hope, we implore, זכרנו לחיים, מלך חפץ בחיים, וכתבנו בספר החיים למענך אלוקים חיים. Chaim – Life. Everyone desires life, for as long as a person lives he is able to serve Hashem. We too, are begging for the gift of life for our Aryeh Leib and you can be the messengers to give him this gift.


‘He who saves a life, saves a world’ – as you beg for your life, help save Aryeh Leib’s life, help save a whole world. Any contribution, which will enable him to continue lifesaving treatment will be immensely appreciated and will bring us hope that he will yet live. 


Thank you for your support and valuable contribution. Together, you can make a difference and bring closeness and hope to my family. 


Together, you and the rest of klal Yisrael can save the life of my treasure – Aryeh Leib ben Osnat.

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