Receive directly from the hands of Maran HGR”S Galay shlit”a a silver knife, the segula for wealth

“I want to give them myself, personally- I want to give them brochas. People such as these…people such as these truly deserve a brocha.”

Early in the month of Cheshvan, bez”H,  in the Kupat Ha’ir office in Brooklyn, amud hatefillah, the tzaddik Maran HaGaon HaRav Shimon Galai shlit”a will personally hand you a specially prepared gift he has waiting for you. A silver challah knife, with his brocha and his signature engraved on it. A silver knife, which is a segulah for parnassah.

He will ask you your request and bless you with whatever you need the most. Not by lists, not through others, but in the most personal way, the most direct way, the most relevant way.

He’s waiting for you to be able to bless you personally, to daven for you, for whatever you need.

He will welcome you, and give you the knife with his own hands…


This isn’t just any regular knife. The words engraved on it say: ‘To Kupat Ha’ir donors- brocha for abundant parnassah in the year תשפ”ד, and much nachas בעזה”י, Shimon Galai’. This knife, which you will use every Shabbos- will bring you a turnabout. A turnabout of abundance. A turnabout of brocha.

True middah k’neged middah. You give parnassah to another family, a family in a desperate situation, and HaShem will open the floodgates of parnassah with a generous Hand for you. The knife of Maran HaGaon HaRav Shimon Galai shlit”a transforms this segulah– the segulah of cutting the Shabbos and Yom Tov challahs with a silver knife-into a much more powerful segulah whose effects are many times greater. It’s not only a segulah, but also evidence of your donation- a donation which supports a family for one month.

Think about the parnassah which will come in abundance throughout the year. Think about these words again- much nachas– much nachas for you, much nachas from you, from your family, from those dear to you. Nachas from your job, nachas from your parnassah– and our generation’s amud hatefillah, Maran HaRav Shimon Galai himself has signed on this!


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